Michael's Dispatches
What is Your Vote?

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- Published: Wednesday, 16 November 2011 13:31
17 November 2011
The United States faces greater threats at home than we face in Afghanistan. The Mexican border, for instance, is being described as a war zone. People have been warning about it for years. Over time, I have seriously considered changing focus to the more proximate and bigger threats.
I am ready and willing to change primary focus to the home front. This will require setting up shop and living in a place like Texas or Arizona. Probably Texas.
I am testing the winds. If the funding is there, it will happen. I will move home to America and get to work. If you are willing to support coverage on the home front, this is a situation where money talks. If you vote “Yes, I will support it,” please annotate your vote with a note.
The bottom line question: Will you financially support this coverage? The quality will be high. So will the price.
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This commment is unpublished.· 8 years agoI vote YES...you have been doing an amazing job over-seas. Come home and show the world the truth about our southern border. You have my support.
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This commment is unpublished.Yes. we wourld be happy to have you here in TX. We need to defend our border.
CB -
This commment is unpublished.I vote Yes. It's a politically incorrect story. Democrats are afraid of insulting Hispanics, so are Republicans, but the dirty truth is people south of the border will do jobs Americans won't, they'd rather stay home and collect unemployment. Of course the drug trade makes it violent. I've gone back and forth on the legalize drugs don't legalize drugs debate. If drugs are legal does the violence stop? Probably not. Bottom line our southern border is a joke and our agents charged with protecting it get prosecuted for very small infractions. Nobody in Washington cares. Our country is like Rome right before the Vandals burned it to the ground.
This commment is unpublished.What a noble idea. I lived in that area
For 30 years. I know it is very danger
pus and political. I say yes and Gods
speed. -
This commment is unpublished.As someone who has an interest in the wars that we (The British) are involved in I would prefer the foreign reporting.... but I do realise just how important it is to protect America.... I think from a very honest perspective if the contributions from foreigners, like myself, are minimal then you should do what is best for yourself. As you probably know most foreigners would donate to you for your war reporting..... and we (British) lack honest war reporting. I suspect that the foreign donations would drop off..... but that is a decision you must make.
If America loses 'America'.... then we all will suffer...... Good luck and move to Texas... Glenn Beck is moving there and for good reason I understand. -
This commment is unpublished.I vote Yes! Some light needs to be set on this most pressing of domestic issues.
This commment is unpublished.I would like to see coverage of the Mexico situation but it is extremely dangerous, especially for reporters. Potentially, far more dangerous for you than being in Iraq or Afghanistan. You won't be facing a handful of rogue commanders, the corruption here goes clear to the top of the Justice Department and Eric Holder. If you choose to do this, be very careful.
This commment is unpublished.YES! Those of us who live near the border have been watching the violence grow for many years, but the national media give scant coverage to the story. Come to Texas - you'll be welcome. We need someone to provide honest, deep coverage of the scourge of the drug cartels and their wars. Nobody will do that better than you will. I have given a donation before, and I'm going to give another right now.
This commment is unpublished.Yes! Your abilities and clear-eyed analysis are sorely needed here in the US. I have sent my donation to support your move. I will continue to donate to support it.
We have already lost our "national identity" in some areas because of the treasonous demolishing of our borders. Our long standing immigration procedure made America one of the strongest and safest countries in the world because legal immigrants were provided with a means to assimilate our culture and become citizens. Opening the doors to illegal immigration makes a mockery of our cultural values and constitutional safeguards.
Spotlighting those who profit from illegal immigration would take as much courage as reporting on foreign wars and would generate lasting interest as well as incoming fire. I do not feel you would be bored and your supply lines would be shorter. Come home where you are needed!
This commment is unpublished.Yes, however I think you will find it a very complicated place. The ties between Mexico and the US are vast, but weak. The countries should be working together as a whole to end the violence. Infighting and bickering have brought the two countries to and understanding of mutual indifference. The Cartels should be treated as invading armies. Pushed from the US back to Mexico and with our help pushed from Mexico to lands further south. Continue to sush them as far as we can. It is much easier to defen the small borders in the Yucatan against infiltration than the large borders in the US.
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This commment is unpublished.I'd say you've done enough in Afghanistan at this stage but my feeling is you may have already overstayed your welcome. The biggest threat will not be from the Afghan's at this stage and if we can be brutally honest here I think your decision has already been made. Get out of there now before some stupid blue-on-blue takes a pot-shot at you, that's my advice.
As for Mexico? I'd stay well away from that part of the world. The madness that exists along that border is simply not worth the air-fare. Nobody is interested in what goes on there anymore. Why? Because it's almost impossible to police. It's just a big long fence with a lot of very dangerous thugs trying to make a crust and that's about the height of it. -
This commment is unpublished.As a former S.F. type, with 10th Group was out of Ft. Devens, I would like to see how you cover this. However, I would be very disappointed if you don't cover that fact that were it not for the U.S. being the foremost marketplace for drugs from Mexico, this perhaps would not be the problem it is. This situation is not, in my eyes, primarily a problem with Mexico, but one that finds its deep and seemingly intractable roots within our own country. The immigration issue I believe is a separate one entirely.
This commment is unpublished.Agreed -- immigration and the drug trade are mostly separate issues.
This commment is unpublished.Not only the borders....but the Muslim Brotherhood and Islam creeping in all over this country.......the enemy is within and without......there is much here to cover.....illegal aliens and those who are here with green cards who want nothing more than to wipe out the infidels.........
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This commment is unpublished.As much as I have appreciated and anticipated your honest and straight forward reporting on what is really happening overseas, I would love to see and hear the same type of reporting about what is happening right here in our Nations back yard. What ever decision you make, you will have our support. Stay vigilant and safe, God Bless.
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This commment is unpublished.I would like to see you home. I wanted to say "home safe", but our border is NOT safe. Since our homeland security is just as important, and is even less truthfully reported, I would very much plead that you return to the USA!
Thanks for all you've done, both in and out of uniform!
Jeff... -
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This commment is unpublished.Yes, I will support it.
Michael, you've done and continue to do outstanding work in covering our activities in both Iraq and Afghanistan. I believe the problems along our border pose a more immediate threat to the security of the U.S. and the American people, so of course I would support your efforts there, should you choose to shift focus.
And I'm sure you'd take adequate precautions to protect and secure your home base from retribution by these narco-criminals.
Looking forward to your next posts. -
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This commment is unpublished.I vote that I'll support - leave the decision to you (cop out, I know).
This commment is unpublished.Come home, Michael. I think if we can get honest reports on what is happening at our border, people will respond with support and funding. Of course, a lot depends on your view on illegal immigration and drugs, and the people involved. Just sayin'.
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This commment is unpublished.I believe better coverage on both sides of the border is a critical story that needs to be told. I have heard that the cartels threaten many small city governments and police forces even on the United States side of the border. Protecting our sovereignty is key, and the story must be investigated and told truthfully. Thank you for your service to our warriors in both Afghanistan and Iraq.
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This commment is unpublished.There are a lot of readers with sons and daughters in Afghanistan, and I know they deeply appreciate your 'voice in the wilderness' letting them know what things are like on the ground. However, you have already given us a clear and honest picture, and I don't think it will change much as we withdraw over the next couple of years.
Today we have about as much credible information on US border problems as we had in Iraq and Afghanistan before you started reporting - not much.
IMO, your investigative skills, and credibility with policy-makers, make you more valuable back home.
That's my vote.
(Besides, there are a lot more birds to take photos of, LOL)
Be careful - you'll be at greater risk. You won't be embedded with professionals watching your six. There are a lot of muy malo hombres that won't think twice about offing anyone threatening their businesses -- or just for the hell of it.
If you go, I'll up my small ante. -
This commment is unpublished.Michael, I live in Texas and would love to read your quality of reporting on the border problems. I'm also dead serious when I say that I'd worry for your personal safety much more in Mexico than in Afghanistan. There, you're one target among many. Here, your reporting could quite likely make you a target for assassination.
All of that being said, yes I'd financially support you. I'd also buy you a drink if you were in my neck of the woods. -
This commment is unpublished.i might be the only one that doesn't know what i would do. i've sent about $2500 (i don't know if that is a little or a lot as donors go) so far and promised myself that i would keep sending money as long as you were reporting the war and i was alive. your reports from thailand didn't much interest me. mexico? a story that needs telling, but, truthfully, i think i would need to see a dispatch or two before i would promise long term support.
just trying to be honest. -
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This commment is unpublished.I vote YES. The violence along the border a short drive south of my ranch rivals that of Mogadishu. More importantly is somebody NEEDS to uncover the treason committed by our current administration in selling arms to the cartels. When the Holder dept. uses FFL dealers to advance their agenda and then turns around and sends in APC's and helicopters to raid said dealer when things go south (no pun intended) one has to conclude there is a cover up going on. Such stories get virtually no coverage and are strickly presented as talking points. My wife and I would support your move and would be honored to provide lodging if the need arises for you here in Southern New Mexico.
This commment is unpublished.Michael,
I've followed you for a couple of years now. I've been back from the Afghan theater for 32 days. We need your coverage in both areas, but if there is a choice between the two I choose coverage on the border in the US.
If it comes to be you might find it more dangerous than the war zones in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Thanks for what you do. Be safe.
Sgt Scott -
This commment is unpublished.I would support you as much as possible for a border mission. The concern stated by others about your safety from the bad guys is valid. Your indepth reporting is needed to get the proper attention to these issues, it is sadly lacking now except for a few outlets.
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This commment is unpublished.Michael,
This is a tough one. Our guys need you to tell their story so they are not forgotten but at the same time there is a battle here that undermines their very sacrifice. It needs to be brought to the forefront as well. I vote yes. I will make a commitment to not forget our guys or you! -
This commment is unpublished.http://edition.cnn.com/2011/11/15/world/americas/mexico-journalist/index.html?hpt=ila_c2
This is what you are staring at,Michael. I will send a few bucks when I can. I am sure you understand that rubbing a colonel's nose can cause some mild hardship. Mexico is zero tolerance, either badass or government. (Oh, is there any difference?) -
This commment is unpublished.Stay with Afghanistan and Iraq! You are one of the few who can give an accurate picture of what our (and allied) troops are doing and experiencing. Plan on the border after the misguided decision to withdraw from both countries takes place. I'm looking forward to seeing the same quality of work that you have done in Iraq and Afghanistan, but the cartels won't like it.
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This commment is unpublished.Michael,
Last year, I suggested the same senario to you as you are now requesting support. Flip-flop, you are lowere to the level of just another low life liberal. Last year your comment held me in contempt, can you imagine how your credibility is now in question to a far greater degree than the contempt shown me when I suggested this approach. May I first suggest your research, I will make this easy on you, first the Department of Justice data and statistic departments and find out that in this year of your inactivity in excess of 25,000 Americans have been killed by illegal immigrants in the nation of the United States. Over 10,000 murders and death from torture and an additional in excess of 15,000 killed in automobile accidents involving illegal immigrants [immigrants that don't have driver's licsence and who can not read the English on road sign - and of course let's not forget the illegals who think themselves above the laws - traffic and legal.
May I suggest you not pursue this choice in journalism and allow far better reportage by reporters 'facts' driven. And no I will not support you in this venture as I sincerely feel there are far better reporters than you that can give this subject better and accurate reportage. I will ignore your vocal support of Obama in this issue as following that would further hamper your position and credibility. -
This commment is unpublished.Michael, I have supported you to the tune of $100 per month for a long time even though I have never set it up as a recurring donation. I'm willing to continue in that manner whether you chose the US border or continue in the formal war zones. Since I live in south Texas the border issue is personally important to me and my family and friends. I do subscribe to Stratfor and feel that I get decent coverage though it does not provide the personal touches that I would expect from you. As a side note, I recall your comments on the supposed gun running from the US from a couple of years ago and suggest that you try to start with a clean slate if you chose the border assignment.
This commment is unpublished.To investigate the border is to investigate the government, the complicity in this is beyond belief and that story needs to get to the masses. Contact Congressman Issa as you will get absolutely NO co-operation from any of the "Law Enforcement Agencies" to get you where you would need to be as they are the ones who are perpetrating the violence and the weapon/drug smuggling. Senator Grassley is another person that I would definitely talk to.
I would hate to lose the only real coverage of the Afghan situation but right now we are under siege here from our own. This needs to be dealt with before more people are murdered as a direct result, (hundreds so far from Operation Fast and Furious), and more of those liberties that our military are fighting for are lost to us while no-one is watching. -
This commment is unpublished.Yes michael i will continue to support you financially if you move to the border. I live in Houston texas and you always have a free place to stay
This commment is unpublished.Hi Michael, you are needed in both places but the big threat to our nation is coming from the border. I try to send a few bucks every month and I will continue to do so. Just remember on our border you will have danger from our Government too, they don't want that story out. Thanks Jake
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