Michael's Dispatches

US Congress and MEDEVAC


17 May 2012

The US MEDEVAC issue is picking up speed and mass.  There is so much progress that it is difficult to track.  A separate and excellent website dedicated to the issue has popped up at http://medevacmatters.org/

Also, the highly respected writer and war correspondent Yochi Dreazen picked up the ball.  Yochi has spent years in the wars and so he was able to quickly dial into the importance of the issue and the authorities involved.  On 10 May, Yochi published an article in the National Journal, which was reprinted on the website of Congressman Todd Akin:

“After writing about the issue, Yon recruited an array of congressional lawmakers who agreed with his point of view. Seventeen members, led by Rep. Todd Akin, R-Mo., wrote to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta earlier this year. “This policy may contribute to unnecessary delays in transporting our most critically wounded soldiers and Marines to appropriate medical care,” the letter said. “Our concern is … that Pentagon policy decisions are needlessly restricting this medical care or are limiting the ability of commanders to evacuate the wounded.”


Please read the entire article.  (By the way, I strongly think that the military’s position on the 92% survival rate is smoke and mirrors.)

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Jefff Blue · 7 years ago
    Great work Mike
    God Bless you
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Dang · 7 years ago
    There are things written that do tend to wrankle one who has spent one's life in the DUSTOFF Business and knows the sacrifice that DUSTOFF Warriors make - the title of the article above is NOT indicative of their sacrifice as these brave men and women leave nobody behind - it's in our creed to never do so - and while all along this effort has at its rrots the desire to save lives, articles such as this with titles such as this are a slap in the face of these Warriors of Compassion. Just saying....
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Ron Rogers · 7 years ago
      It is the policies that are wrong, not the dedicated aviators and medics. The latter should not get offended when the policies are attacked. It is the medical and aviation command that clings to outmoded policies. It is general officers clinging to their turf at the expense of casualties. In no way are these criticisms aimed at the average MEDEVAC crew - even those who agree with current policy.

      BTW, with Iraq over, there should be no shortage of armed aviation assets in Afghanistan - none.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Dan · 7 years ago
      [quote name="Dang"]There are things written that do tend to wrankle one who has spent one's life in the DUSTOFF Business and knows the sacrifice that DUSTOFF Warriors make - the title of the article above is NOT indicative of their sacrifice as these brave men and women leave nobody behind - it's in our creed to never do so - and while all along this effort has at its rrots the desire to save lives, articles such as this with titles such as this are a slap in the face of these Warriors of Compassion. Just saying....[/quote]

      Obviously 'Dang" you have not been following this story or you are way to sensitive.... Never has there ever been anything but the highest respect paid to all MEDVAC crews. In fact their frustration with the present system has been the center of this push to paint over the red cross and arm them so they don't have to wait for a armed escort, there by allowing for a much faster response time. Hopefully this can save a few more lives that would other wise be lost through no fault of the willingness of the crews.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    jetdrvr · 7 years ago
    Good job, Michael. Light a fire under the careerists' asses! Like the enemy, the only thing they respond to is overwhelming force.,
    • This commment is unpublished.
      karen · 7 years ago
      8) [quote name="jetdrvr"]Good job, Michael. Light a fire under the careerists' asses! Like the enemy, the only thing they respond to is overwhelming force.,[/quote]
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    _Steve_ · 7 years ago
    I sent the following email in response to a fundraising request by our fine Michigan Senator Stabenow several weeks ago:

    Senator Stabenow,

    What are you doing to help our troops in harms way as it relates to the "Medivac Dust Off" issue. In case you are not aware of it, the medevac helo's are still flying into harms way with a red cross emblazoned on their sides. This does nothing to ensure the safety of the aircrew or the wounded troops, rather, it gives our enemies a aiming point and in fact has been proven to provide positive encouragement and morale to those that have attacked our men and women.

    The Red Cross is not a requirment of this war or any conflict in order to provide medevac services, the Air Force Pedro's are armed as well as Marine medevac's - why the Army insists on keeping the Red Cross and not arming them is probably a political one within the Army, but our brave men and women are dying unnecessarily...

    I have contacted Senator Levin on this issue and have heard nothing from him - will you do the right thing and look into this? If you are interested in an unbiased point of view, I can provide additional material for you and your staff.



    And I just received this response yesterday - about par for the course... Interestingly, she had my older address since I have moved in the past year - so I don't think this is a form letter response...


    Thank you . . .

    . . . for contacting me about America's Armed Forces. I appreciate that you have taken the time to communicate your views and concerns with me.

    I understand your concern about the military's MedEvac policies in combat zones. Should related legislation come before the U.S. Senate for a vote, I will keep your views in mind, and share your thoughts on this issue with my colleagues who serve on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

    Thank you again for contacting me. Please continue to keep me informed about issues of concern to you and your family.


    Debbie Stabenow

    United States Senator

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