Michael's Dispatches
Truth Wanted: $10,000 Reward (Update 14 December 2015 -- Reward is now $20,000)

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- Published: Monday, 02 November 2015 14:18
02 November 2015
I offer $10,000 (now $20,000) to the first person who can prove Laura Hillenbrand's allegations of this massive Japanese War Crime on Tinian Island in 1944.
From her book referencing Tinian island in 1944:
Bestselling author Laura Hillenbrand twice accused Japanese of murdering 5,000 Koreans on Tinian Island in 1944. I contacted her publisher who declines to comment, or to provide an interview with Hillenbrand. I interviewed Ms. Hillenbrand about ten years ago on a separate matter. The outcome of my interview was positive to Ms. Hillenbrand.
Our research team discovered Hillenbrand’s Tinian errors by accident while researching a related topic.
Ms. Hillenbrand casts the accusation twice:
Shortly after the 1944 period described in Ms. Hillenbrand’s book, the United States invaded the tiny island of Tinian after what is said to be the most massive bombardment of a single island during the Pacific war. (Japan notwithstanding.)
The fighting was particularly brutal with many Japanese and civilians committing suicide, including throwing their children and themselves off cliffs, and in some cases being murdered by Japanese Soldiers. Thousands more disappeared into the hills and caves.
Many later surrendered, or we blew up their caves and sealed them shut in some cases.
Soon, Tinian was the busiest airport in the world. Tinian became the US military’s airbase that launched the planes to firebomb and drop two atomic bombs on Japan.
The island was flooded with US troops and there were no allegations from that period that any mass murder of 5,000 Koreans had occurred.
Contemporary reports show that thousands of civilians remained, including almost 2,400 Koreans. Hillenbrand wrote that more than twice this number were killed.
Other documents soon after the war, describe in detail the conditions on Tinian:
The 1957 book above was written decades before current controversies were manufactured by China, making the work innocent of any political or social pressures of 2015.
An estimate of the Tinian population before our 1944 invasion:
An account from the same book after our invasion:
Census from the same source after our invasion:
The New York Times reported that many Koreans were still on the island, and that Koreans donated $666.35 to our war effort.
The following account is from the book above. We checked the New York Times archives. New York Times confirmed this account in 1945:
Ms. Hillenbrand must face reality. Facts matter. Her book is marketed as nonfiction and is basis for a major motion picture directed by Angela Jolie. The book contains fiction. We could write it off to sloppiness, but I alerted her publisher who brushed it aside.
We checked Ms. Hillenbrand’s sources listed in the appendix.
She cites two sources.
One source fraudulent. We contacted a party cited who responded that their company was not involved in the report attributed to their company. Ms. Hillenbrand is remiss in her duties in citing this ‘source.’ They are not a source and deny involvement.
The other citation is hearsay and appears to be based on a memorial on Tinian.
It is a fact that Koreans and Chinese are erecting memorials around the world based on false historical accounts. It is a fact that we are in the middle of a major information war directed from China at Japan, at the United States, and others. Ms. Hillenbrand fell into their trap. She was tricked, but now her publisher is digging in their heels.
Ms. Hillenbrand’s claim provides basis for the US to have either engaged in a massive cover up of war crimes on the island by not reporting it, or gross negligence by the US Marines and Navy that scoured the island and surveyed the PoWs and civilian internees after the war.
By implication, Hillenbrand’s accounts in Unbroken accuse the USMC and US Navy in being complicit by not reporting war crimes, or being incompetent by not finding the mass murder of 5,000 people on a tiny island.
It is crucial to keep in mind that we firebombed and conducted two atomic attacks on Japan, from Tinian. If we knew that 5,000 Koreans were murdered there, it was in our best interest to advertise the crime as justification for burning down dozens of Japanese cities. But there is no mention. Not a peep.
Ms. Hillenbrand cites no source documents, yet takes as gospel one fraud and one hearsay. We have been unable to locate any source documents that support Hillenbrand's claim.
The New York Times article from Tinian in 1945 is a direct refutation.
Some say the burden of proof is on the accused. This is nonsense, like something from former East Germany or North Korea. The burden is on the accuser.
If someone accused US forces of murdering 5,000 Afghans, I would be on an airplane to Afghanistan to prove or disprove the allegations. If it happened, we would own it. If it did not, we should not carry the disgrace and burden, or reparations.
Ms. Hillenbrand did not visit any locations, or even meet the heroic subject of her book until after the book was published.
A larger question is why wasn’t Louis Zamperelli’s own excellent autobiography promoted? He was alive and had an inspiring book which doesn’t contain these fictions.
Some folks make a wild leap of imagination and reply, "So, you are saying Japanese committed no war crimes? What about Bataan or the Death Railway?"
I was just at Bataan and the Death Railway this year. War crimes definitely occurred. There is proof.
I also researched in Burma and found proof of some war crimes and also interviews with eyewitnesses who greatly liked Japanese. I was also down in Indonesia and Malaysia researching these same topics this year, and Thailand, and Japan, with more to come.
Believe it or not, Japanese were widely revered by many locals in various countries. I have made video interviews with elderly people in numerous countries who liked Japanese in World War II, even saying the same words in the Philippines, Burma, and Thailand: “They treated us like brothers and sisters.” (Interesting that people from different cultures used the same words.)
This is a mixed bag. Like taking soil samples. Some places have great respect for Japanese, and in others there were truly war crimes. Sound familiar? The same can be said about us.
In the United States, justice and truth are important. We are not North Koreans. We are Americans. Every case must be taken on its merits, even if we are talking about an enemy or former enemy. Only with truth can justice be served.
Alleging that 5,000 people were mass murdered is at least 5,000 war crimes. There is no statute of limitations on war crimes.
Others say, “Are you a holocaust denier?” An author and magazine journalist actually said that to me after he was duped into the Chinese trap, in Korea. He is naïve though he writes for a major US magazine.
Source document evidence and proof of Nazi war atrocities could fill a cubic mile of library space. The fastest speed-reader on earth could not read it all in a lifetime. Yet evidence that Japanese murdered all 5,000 Koreans on Tinian has not been unearthed. Quite the contrary.
The time has arrived for Hillenbrand to put up or shut up. My money is where my mouth is.
If someone finds proof from US archives or some highly credible source, that will be $10,000 (now $20,000) well spent from my pocket exonerating Ms. Hillenbrand. This offer supercedes and nullifies the previous offer of $1,000.
There are other problems with the book, but this is enough for now.
$10,000 (now $20,000) is on the table. Waiting for the first person to claim it.
I can pay by check, PayPal, or money order. Go for it.
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This commment is unpublished.· 4 years agoI've been studying WW2 history since 1960 and the premise was never mentioned in anything I have read and I have an extensive library on all things military. Authors really need to get their facts straight and not except anything not thoroughly vetted.
This commment is unpublished.Michael,
It's been months since I've received a blog update from you (I am not a Facebook fan). I miss your war coverage of Iraq & Afghanistan. I remember being excited about your plans to go to the Mexican - US border to do reporting from their about drug cartels and immigration. Then you ended up in Thailand and no offense to Asia, but I lost interest in the topics you've reported on since.
Miss the old days, mate.-
This commment is unpublished.Mechael, I just had to second Observer98's sentiment. I agree with every word of it. Since I met you in Baqubah covering our Strykers in 2007, and learned more about you, you've been an absolute hero. Looking forward to more.
- Thanks for all you do-
This commment is unpublished.Thirded. I used to read this blog because it was only place reporting on our forgotten war in Afghanistan, going so far as to donate to fund his reporting. I wish we could get back to that. Our citizens are still fighting there, and you certainly wont hear about it from our 'leaders'
This commment is unpublished.Much of it is on Facebook. I have been doing a great deal of work in different countries, and publishing much of my findings. Very interesting items.
This commment is unpublished.I am not surprised at casualty exaggerations decades after a war. It happens for the sake of a political objective. Facts are rarely required as it fits a well worn narrative. The way to shut up those who seek the historical truth is to accuse them of some political subterfuge.
Exaggeration is rarely challenged in this cases. It starts with something like: some estimates range as high as X...After which X becomes the accepted figure. We see this everyday in crime statistics.
Serious scholars of the Hollocaust are immediately branded deniers if any calculations are not in keeping with the figures or higher. Few are ever accused of being Holocaust exaggerators. Some of the worst offenders are the survivors or witnesses as their accounts are tainted by trauma.-
This commment is unpublished.Thank you for the comment. All this research has made me wonder about other massive atrocities. We know the Holocaust occurred and that it was huge -- evidence and proof are a mile high. Yet in the case of Japan, due to all this research, we do see wild-eyed numbers tossed around and accepted as fact when we find many are baseless upon examination. And when we bring this up, we are in fact called denialists. We just want facts, wherever they lead.
(Not that Japan is related to the Holocaust -- in fact Japan saved many Jews from probable murder.)
Another interesting thing about Japan -- for many years I have respected the idea of kamikaze who were wearing uniforms in marked aircraft striking military targets. Unfortunately they were our targets so I do not like that part, but if American fliers did this they would all be up for a Medal of Honor. Kamikaze were, after all, making a last ditch effort to save their country and people. Got to respect that.-
This commment is unpublished.Michael your statement on respecting of the kamikaze who was wearing uniforms in marked aircraft striking US military targets! I concur! I remember when I was restricted to a ship in Buckner Bay Okinawa (bar fighting the night before on liberty) and I walked up to the bridge of the ship and talked to a USN Chief signalman who was there during the Battle of Buckner Bay and experienced the Kamikaze attacks. The ship I was on – was anchored but not that far from a pier. I spent at least an hour just listening to him while remembering his expressions. Nothing was bragged just deep thought a sadden face on how scared everyone was. Thanks so much for all that reporting you have done, you, your good friend Steve and Raju have seen a lot and have done a lot to help many of the innocent folks who just wanted to live their simple lives without outside intervention. God Bless Ya Bother / a 69 yr. old Vietnam Vet
This commment is unpublished.Thank you for the thoughtful comment. I wish I had been there to hear his stories with you. I thought some military people would understand it like you do. Kamikaze were defending their country, wearing uniforms, hitting military targets. If our folks did this we would award them the Medal of Honor and they would deserve it. Just wish the Kamikaze had been hitting someone else, or nobody at all, but that is war and life. You know the deal.
This commment is unpublished.I'm not disagreeing with the premise. This sounds like sloppy sourcing and should be corrected.
In my opinion, the best way to refute a conformation bias is to address evidence that would buttress the claim, not to try to refute the claim.
Because Hillebrand is saying that 5000 "conscripted" laborers were killed, the civilian counts are not necessarily meaningful. Obviously, Japan had control of Korea from the Japan-Korea annexation treaty in 1910. If we assume that these people existed at all, conscripted laborers could have been brought from elsewhere to Tinian. They don't have to be part of the island population.
Some numbers are very consistent. The pre-invasion census was 17900, with about 25% (4500) of Korean descent. 75% of the population were Japanese and Okinawans, or 13425 people. 3-5000 civilians were evacuated before the invasion. Then, they counted 8625 Japanese and Okinawans (grouped as "Japanese" in the table above) after the battle. Unsurprisingly with 3-5000 evacuated, this number is about 4800 fewer than before the battle. Those numbers seem pretty consistent, if you assume that the majority of the evacuated civilians were Japanese or Korean. The census did not mention the 5000 laborers.
After the battle, there were 10639 civilians on the island, so it seems that, tragically, some 2000-3000 civilians were killed in the fighting. It is curious that the post-invasion Korean community of 2400 would make it seem that Korean civilians were disproportionately affected. 17900 minus 3-5000, minus 10639 survivors, equals 2261-4261, and the Korean population was 2100 smaller.
I'm not sure how to reconcile the numbers, other than to say that there are likely some discrepancies. The census counts don't allow for 5000 Korean workers from the civilian population, because of the pre-invasion count and the post-invasion count.
I wouldn't limit my question to "did they or did they not massacre 5000 workers," but rather, ask meaningful questions about the world that statement implies. For example, "where did the conscripted workers come from?" Moving 5000 people is not a trivial matter. When did they arrive? Did they all arrive at once, or in stages? What evidence do we have of what they did? Adding 5000 people to an island with a population of 17900 would have created some disruption. Where did those workers live? How do we know that all of the workers were Korean? In the later quote, Hillebrand converts the conscripted workers into captives. Where are the prison camps that would have been required for that? Where are the records of the Japanese feeding them? What about medical care? Assuming they were building something, what about supplies?
Ask about the world, not about the thing.-
This commment is unpublished.Really nice, neutral thoughtful comment. AND ON THE INTERNETS! What'll they think of next? Non-disparaging disagreement?
This commment is unpublished.Thanks! I'm grateful that you didn't take me to task for some of the errors in that post. (In paragraph 4, it should be "the majority of the evacuated civilians were Japanese or Okinawan." Also, I got the author's name wrong - "Hillebrand" rather than "Hillenbrand.")
But my point remains that if we focus on the surrounding details, we'll get a faster solution. I'd be interested in proof that these 5,000 workers were present during the time frame Hillenbrand is talking about. The "kill-all order" (whatever that means) makes no sense with the facts in hand.
This commment is unpublished.It is clear that there was no mass murder of 5,000 Koreans. Many were killed in the fighting. Tinian received the heaviest bombardment of any single island during the war. (Again, Japan not withstanding.)
Koreans -- who were Japanese citizens at the time -- were brought there to work the sugarcane.
Koreans also have a tendency to schmooze up to power and look down on those they deem less powerful. (Like some Arab cultures.) When they saw the US come in with such force, they did what Japanese predicted and switched sides. (Many Afghans also do this.) Notice today that Korea sees Japan as weaker than China. Korea is schmoozing China and berating Japan on a daily basis. And for what cause? Much of it is just a cultural weakness. An inferiority complex with an ego.
The fact is, nobody has provided direct evidence of any mass murder of Koreans on Tinian. Inference is not enough. If Japanese killed 5,000 there would have been many eyewitnesses accounts and possible war crimes trials for the Japanese who were captured.
Hillenbrand herself could claim this $10,000. I will email this to her publisher now saying there is $10,000 waiting for the publisher or Hillenbrand if they can prove this.
This commment is unpublished.I wonder what was her motivation to put that statement in her book? There are so many other well documented Japanese Army war crimes, Unit 731 for example, that I cannot see a reason to include a not well documented one. All said, I have not read her book or seen the movie.
This commment is unpublished.George B. Younghans, StfSgt, USMCR Island Command Tinian. often flew to visit me during WWII. He never mentioned anything of this type as happening at that time.
This commment is unpublished.We all remember what happened with the book, "A Million Little Pieces". There was no movie option, by the time Oprah took the author behind the wood shed. :sigh:
This commment is unpublished.Thank you for checking this out.
As someone who admires Japan, and other
Asian cultures, we need an honest accounting,
as much as we can have one.
God Bless you,
Keep it up!
Steve -
This commment is unpublished.You might want to read "Five Days in August" by Michael D. Gordin (Google books) Chapter 4 top of page 68. It denounces the massacre.
This commment is unpublished.Based on what research?
Or to say it differently, if Mr. Gordin has better sources than Ms. Hillenbrand, he can make $10k. :-)-
This commment is unpublished.Someone should tell Gordin that this is his chance to cash in. Unfortunately he fell into the same Chinese trap. A problem is that the trap is so enormous, so comprehensive, that most people cannot even see it. It is like living in the Matrix.
This commment is unpublished.Janet,
Thank you. I have the book here. Unfortunately Mr. Gordin also fell for the Chinese information trap. He wrote on page 7 that "the forced prostitution of Korean "comfort women"" was part of the justification for dropping atomic bombs on Japan.
This accusation is not only baseless but untrue. The comfort women issue did not come up until 1978 when a communist writer named Seiji wrote a fictional book as if it were true. It was later exposed as fraud and he admitted to it, but the deed was done and it snowballed from there. Eventually China seized on this as part of a larger information war directed specifically at Japan. Koreans kicked in, many just begging for money, and the communists latched onto it, and the snowball grew to what it is today with many authors falling into the trap without checking source documents. They just repeat it like parrots. Chinese are nailing them left and right, and now to speak up and question the narrative is to be called an ultra-right wing denialist. The fact is, they were suckered fair and square.
I have researched this issue in eight countries so far. (USA, Japan, Australia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar.) More to come.
This commment is unpublished.Thank you, Michael, for standing up for the truth.
I personally knew at least one man who witnessed Japanese atrocities against the Chinese and was himself interred in a camp by the Japanese. He was a missionary to China, and later on, my high school history teacher.
So yes, there were war crimes, as you say. They have, I believe, been WELL documented. Therefore, there is no reason for the proof to be difficult to find, even without a $10,000 reward, if indeed, it is the truth.
I await, with great interest, the outcome. It is appalling when someone like Hillebrand makes such claims without proper documentation. Profiting from such sloppy and libelous journalism is criminal. -
This commment is unpublished.I AM VISUALLY IMPAIRED 8)
This commment is unpublished.They should change it to fiction because it is a fiction based on some real events and some not.
This commment is unpublished.there will be discrepancies to the count as they refer to conscripted workers vs. civilian workers. it seems to me to be a question of nomenclature and definition and not one of actual numbers.
one can argue that the numbers were grossing exaggerated as to the deaths during the Rape of Nanking (rangeing from 85K to over 300K), but it does not change the fact that atrocity actually happened.-
This commment is unpublished.Sir,
Your assumptions are untrue and there is $10,000 on the table waiting for you to claim. You have fallen into the information war trap, and also logical fallacies of "splitting the difference", or "the truth is somewhere in between."
If you can prove that all the Koreans were killed on Tinian, as the author twice claims, and that the number was even in the ballpark of 5,000 people, that $10,000 is yours.
As for Nanking, that also is nonsense. There were atrocities there. This is sufficiently documented to the point we can say there is reasonable proof. However...Our own US anti-Japanese war propaganda from the time, put the number at 40,000. You can easily find this with some minutes of effort. Other independent historical research from Dr. Hata in Japan also puts the number at 40,000. Some Japanese say the number is zero but they clearly are deluded. But there is more nuance -- it is also known that many of the deaths were caused by Chinese, or were Chinese troops who donned civilian clothes. Nobody knows the whole truth, but the number absolutely was not 300,000 as claimed by Iris Chang in her book Rape of Nanking. There were not even 300,000 in the city. She lied. I cannot interview her because she apparently shot herself in the head. (Her sister says she was murdered, but Chang also was known to be mentally ill. I have no idea but she ended up with a bullet in her head.)
$10,000 is waiting for you to claim. Speculation is useless and vacuous.
This commment is unpublished.Respectfully, why on earth expend any efforts on Japanese wartime apologetics? By any measure in the modern era (excluding current Islamist radicals) this is far and away the most brutal and fanatical culture the world has known. Forget numbers, we're talking about voluminous factual case studies of sheer inhuman barbarism. I am personally very thankful for the atomic end we provided to their dreams of conquest.
This commment is unpublished.Ron,
You are mimicking talking points and frankly, are out of your depth on this subject. There were many war crimes but many stories are simply lies, such as described in the dispatch above. And saying that the Japanese were the most brutal and fanatical that the world has ever known shows dark lacuna at best... In fact, even saying that the current Islamic radicals are the worst ever again reveals deep naiveté. Nazis and Communists have outdone ISIS and pals by a thousand miles.
Instead of making empty comments, why don't you try to claim that 10,000USD? It is easy picken's if you can prove it, which will not be hard if it is true. But it is not true.-
This commment is unpublished.You are unaware of my depth sir. But such is the nature of these modern interactions which is a shame. You site Nazis and Communists as if the same propaganda you mention only applies to your beloved Japanese. I have personally known one individual who was a participant in the march, and I really don't need much more than his testimony to cement my opinion of these people.
Were Kamikaze pilots propaganda, or do we have film of these actions? Can you not extrapolate anything from this type of mindset? How about ritual suicide? Does that not speak to you either?
I do not doubt your conviction re the bounty you're offering. I'm sure you do not desire to part with 10k and as such I'm inclined to agree that the events in question were overblown. I will not, however, reconsider the over-arching brutality of the Japanese culture in total. It is documented, and valid without a trace of doubt.-
This commment is unpublished.You write:
"You are unaware of my depth sir. But such is the nature of these modern interactions which is a shame. You site [CITE] Nazis and Communists as if the same propaganda you mention only applies to your beloved Japanese. I have personally known one individual who was a participant in the march," [Wow. Instant expert on the Pacific war based on alleged relationship with unvetted source. You and Hillenbrand must be siblings.] and I really don't need much more than his testimony to cement my opinion of these people. [Amazing extrapolation that you should have stopped doing by 5th grade.]
Were Kamikaze pilots propaganda, or do we have film of these actions? [Kamikaze were wearing uniforms in marked airplanes hitting military targets. Unfortunately those targets were ours, but no war crimes were committed by ramming navy vessels with clearly marked Japanese military aircraft. If US pilots did this, we would award them the Medal of Honor.]
Can you not extrapolate anything from this type of mindset? [Extrapolation -- is that allowed as evidence in US courtrooms? Only if the judge is a Kangaroo.]
How about ritual suicide? Does that not speak to you either? [US veterans kill themselves every day. What is your point?]
I do not doubt your conviction re the bounty you're offering. I'm sure you do not desire to part with 10k and as such I'm inclined to agree that the events in question were overblown. I will not, however, reconsider the over-arching brutality of the Japanese culture in total. It is documented, and valid without a trace of doubt. [It is documented also that Americans kept slaves until the civil war, and lynched blacks until the 1950s. Perhaps you can 'extrapolate from that.]
This commment is unpublished.I read ;
'this is far and away the most brutal and fanatical culture the world has known'
Which can only be stated by someone who claims to know all cultures, present and past. And since this is impossible, your remarks don't win credibility.
You also wrote 'why on earth expend any efforts on Japanese wartime apologetics?'
The answer is simple; historic science deals with events that really happened. It doesn't matter whether it's about Japanese or any other culture. Science is always about provable facts. And if facts cannot be proven, than they cannot be part of a scientific historical reconstruction.
This commment is unpublished.Thank you for your offer, but I give up. So, this is one of the "other problems with this book", here is a memoir written by another Allied POW who had been detained in the Omori Camp:
“Clutch of Circumstance” by Lewis William Bush
ibid, Chapter 12: The Other Side of The Bridge
Omori is included in the Chapter 12 or later. This book is also one of Hillenbrand's source. I do not argue that there was no problem with the treatment of POWs by Japanese in WWII. But her description is extremely biased.
Furthermore, an interesting article regarding the comfort women issue and a memoir of civilian prisoner in Rabaul, New Britain Island. The author, Prof. Kozlowski, is Polish who grew up in boyhood under the communist regime and his father was born in the Jewish household and most of his father's relatives were killed in the Nazi.
“Settled history?” by Andrzej Kozłowski (University of Warsaw)
http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~akoz/History/SettledHistory.pdf -
This commment is unpublished.The Japenese might not have killed 5,000 Koreans in the Tinnian island but it could of been possible because the Nazis killed 33,771 Ukranian Jews in a two day massacre. The Japenese crimes were not obviously as bad of the crimes the Nazis have committed but still horrific. The Japenese might not have killed 5,000 Koreans but Killed and raped 100 of thousands of Chinese soldier and Chinese citizens.
This commment is unpublished.The Japenese might not have killed 5,000 Koreans in the Tinnian island but it could of been possible because the Nazis killed 33,771 Ukranian Jews in a two day massacre. The Japenese crimes were not obviously as bad of the crimes the Nazis have committed but still horrific. The Japenese might not have killed 5,000 Koreans but Killed and raped 100 of thousands of Chinese soldier and Chinese citizens.
This commment is unpublished.I know the first thing you're going to say is how wrong I was about these 5000 Koreans being killed by the Japanese on Tinian during WW2, but if you will think back to the email between Al, you and I, I wrote about 10-12 others instances of Japanese war crimes that Al himself corroborated, but you ALWAYS come back to the time I was wrong about the Koreans. You seem to do your level best to portray the WW2 Japanese into something other than they really were by cherry-picking these events of the times they may have been charitable in their actions towards a given people of a given country. I have followed you for about 5 years now if I remember right and in that time I remember only the one story of when you went to Burma to research the massacre of the village people at their well. I also remember vividly your reader Yutaka Anno, who said he didn't believe it at all and wanted DNA tests to be done. I have never got a straight answer from you as to why you are (or were at the time) on this "crusade" to paint the WW2 Japanese soldier as an angel. If you will remember back to that email, I listed many war crimes that have been proven and was corroborated by someone I feel you trust. I also wrote to Laura Hillebrand thru her Facebook page and wrote to her about all this Tinian/Korean thing, she read the message but never responded, it had the time stamp as to when she read it at the bottom of the message. Given how so many of your readers like and believe your research, including many Japanese, I think it high time you post a story of Japanese actions that were at the other end of the spectrum, such as what occurred on the Philippine Island of Palawan or in the caves on Guam, or the 12,000 documented atrocities in the Philippines during the Japanese occupation. I will not be researching this bounty of $20,000 dollars you have offered because we both know that it's not true, it's amazing the mileage that's become of my original post all those months ago of the alledged killing of Koreans on Tinian by the Japanese that I WAS WRONG ABOUT...but I am not wrong about Palawan, Guam, Alexandra Hosptial in Singapore, San Fernando, Cabanatuan and the mass amounts of atrocities by the defending Japanese in Manila during the closing stages of the Philippines Campaign...I wonder how I'm going to be taken to task this time, it seem that when I have something it ALWAYS comes back to Tinian and how I was wrong about it, and never mention my help in finding the truth..crazy how far it's gone from that original post...
Sincerely and with respects
Kurt... -
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