Michael's Dispatches
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- Published: Wednesday, 02 May 2012 12:53

02 May 2012
A message came to me about nine hours ago from the Taliban that Obama visited and so the Taliban had an attack underway. They did in fact have an attack underway. I published the message from Zabihullah Mujahid on Facebook.
First message:

A few minutes ago (about 0820 EST 02 May 2012), Zabihullah Mujahid sent two more messages. Both are below. There is some truth in the accounts, but I read them mostly for entertainment value. Though they exaggerate wildly, it’s become clear that the Taliban will eventually control large swaths of Afghanistan:
Second message:
“Martyr attack targeting” Green Village” huge military Camp ends with success; more than 43 invaders killed KABUL, May 02 - The operation was planned hurriedly after finding out about Obama’s “surprise visit” to Afghanistan what was secret visit about which Mujahideen came to know in the later hours of last night and, as a result, “the Green Village” one of the most important and heavily-guarded military base of so-called ISAF, was the quickest target for Mujahideen to smash.
“A team of four heroic combatants of Islamic Emirate Ahmad (Parwan province), Muhammad Raza (Kabul), Abdul Bari (Wardak) and Hameed Khan (Takhar), armed with heavy and small arms and explosives, stormed the target, the “Green Village” with Ahmad slamming his explosive-laden vehicle at the gate of the base, rocking the entire base and removing all the security checks and barriers besides flattening some of the rooms where a great number of the security guards were based. Several dozen of the US-NATO and puppets cowardly forces security were killed and wounded. Three out four martyrdom-seeking Mujahideen, after getting into the base, initiated fighting with rockets, heavy and light machine guns, hand grenades and explosive vests till 10 a.m. local time, targeting those inside and killing at least 34 US-Nato forces officers and soldiers as well as taking out more than 9 puppets security guards. “The operation came as a response to Obama’s visit to Afghanistan and was a worst single-day loss for the US-Nato terrorists after Kabul operation in which Mujahideen had targeted the main ISAF base, and a series of embassies, parliament, presidential house and a number of the enemy’s military bases and posts in Kabul city. It is known to all that no civilian can show up even hundreds of maters away from the any military facility and, in particular, such military facility with strategic importance, no way! Thus the western-influenced mainstream media claims about civilian casualties are absolutely false and everyone knows it. The lethal blow to supposed ISAF was a message to Obama that the real Afghan are not those who sign the pack of slavery and selling out their land, contrarily, the true Afghans are those who never let such conspires happen, and root out all such nasty plots and ploys of the enemy by dealing deadliest blow to the invading enemy. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, in this way, vow to continue to deal far more rigorous and fatal blows to the enemy and foil its every conspiracy in order to defend the Afghans’ beloved country and safeguard the its sovereignty and honor.”
Third message, arrived about two minutes after second message:
Statement of Leadership Council of Islamic Emirate regarding the inception of Al-Farooq Spring operation -
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people (Taubah: 14)
It has been a little over ten years since Afghanistan has come under the barbaric occupation of foreign invaders and countless defenseless Afghans are martyred, imprisoned, their homes destroyed and orchards uprooted by these cruel occupiers with the passage of each day. But as the intensity of cruelty and savagery of the invaders increases, the fervor of Jihad and struggle amongst the heroic Afghans strengthens proportionally and with the inception of each year, the battle trenches are enkindled against the oppressors with high moral, new war tactics and strong Jihadi determination. With pure divine intentions and exemplary determination, our lives are cheaply sacrificed for the defense and service of our oppressed nation while delivering falsehood extinguishing blows to the enemy.
As the period for the inception of new Jihadi activities against the foreign forces each year is chosen and named by Islamic Emirate under new Jihadi title in consideration with the seasonal and atmospheric conditions, we would once again like to announce the current year’s spring operation against the invaders under the glorified Jihadi name of ‘Al-Farooq’.
The name Al-Farooq, which is the honored title of the second Khalifa of Islam Hazrat Omar R.A, was chosen for this year’s operation so that with its blessing, Allah Almighty might bestow on Mujahideen such victories as were awarded to the Muslims during the triumphant period of Hazrat Omar R.A where huge swaths of lands of the infidels fell under the rule of the Muslims and the enemies were forced to take flight.
It must be stated that the primary target of Al-Farooq operation will be the foreign invaders, their advisors, their contractors and members of all associated military, intelligence and auxiliary departments.
And similarly, the high ranking officials of the stooge Kabul regime; members of Parliament; those associated with Ministries of Defense, Intelligence and Interior; members of the so called High Peace Council; Militia under the name of ‘Arbaki’ and all those people who work against the Mujahideen, toil to pave ground for the occupation of Afghanistan and become the cause for the strength of the invaders will also be targeted in Al-Farooq operation.
New and tested war tactics will be implemented in Al-Farooq operation and top priority will be given to safeguarding the lives and wealth of civilians. It is hoped that civilians stay away from the bases of invaders and their hirelings, their military convoys and refrain from going close to explosion sites as the enemy intentionally targets civilians to avenge the caused death/injury and attributes it to the Taliban.
Al-Farooq Jihadi spring operation shall commence simultaneously in all parts of Afghanistan on 14th Suwar 1391 which corresponds with 12 Jammad ul Thani 1433 and 3rd May 2012.
The Islamic Emirate, alongside launching its Al-Farooq spring operation, once again calls on all those associated with the puppet administration of Karzai, the so called national army, national police and all those who are siding with the invaders in opposition to the interests of Islam to stop backing the invaders and to abandon their ranks. In case this call is not heeded, all responsibility shall befall the transgressors because the Mujahideen, in defense of their country and religious sanctities, are Islamically bound and have the right to kill the foreign occupiers and their supporters, capture them and to prosecute them for their illegal actions. The Islamic Emirate, in order to establish contact and bring out officials and privates from the opposition rank, has assigned an influential ‘Recruitment’ Commission which works to invite them towards the truth and in case they want to join the Mujahideen, to lend all necessary assistance and guidance.
The Islamic Emirate would also like to declare to all the foreign invaders including the Americans that if you still desire to continue the occupation of our country, abuse our sanctities and oppress our defenseless nation then the Mujahideen shall also take inspiration from the historical achievements of the distinguisher of truth and falsehood, Hazrat Omar R.A. and utilize all means and military craftsmanship at disposal in their Al-Farooq spring operation to kill, expel and eliminate you.
In this battle of truth and falsehood, victory and ascendency shall be awarded to the Mujahideen while defeat and humiliation shall be the fate of your moral-lacking soldiers, if Allahs wills it.
With the divine help of Allah, we are awaiting the moments when our nation shall be freed from the evil of your occupation and the Afghans become the owners of a pure Islamic system in an atmosphere of brotherhood, national unity and peace and of a government free from corruption with total security, effective education, strong economy and a tranquil life, if Allah wills it.
The Leadership Council of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan