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韓国軍にベトナム人慰安婦がいた!二カ国語 Part2(拡散自由)

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- Published: Friday, 29 May 2015 13:29
- Written by Kent Gilbert
The ROK Army Used Vietnamese Comfort Women Part2(No restrictions on retransmission)
韓国軍にベトナム人慰安婦がいた!二カ国語 Part1(拡散自由)
How was the ROK army comfort station in Saigon that has come to light through a U.S. archive document operated?
I would have wanted to fly to Vietnam immediately to investigate, but as the Washington Bureau chief, it was difficult to take leave from my job for an extended period. Therefore, I began research to find out if there was anybody in the U.S. who was knowledgeable about the sex industry in Saigon at that time or who knew about the establishment in question.
I focused first on former U.S. military personnel and Vietnamese-Americans and looked for Vietnam-related networks in the U.S. I attended the relevant forums, looked into the databases of the U.S. government’s Department of Veteran Affairs, and sent letters and e-mails to people with known contact information who might know. I also placed an advertisement in a newspaper in the Vietnamese community in Virginia outside Washington, asking for information. Shortly after, an American who saw the ad sent me an e-mail.
Hans Ekes [spelling not confirmed], 70, was sent by an American communication infrastructure company to Saigon in the late 1960s. Ekes, who traveled back and forth between Vietnam and the U.S. for several years, is a pensioner living in eastern Virginia. He talked at length about what Saigon was like, since the city made a strong impression on him as a young man. However, when we asked about the Turkish Bath, he suddenly lowered his voice and became wary of people around us.
「『トルコ風呂』は、当時サイゴンにいた人の間では、『射精パーラー』(Steam and Cream Parlor)と呼ばれていました。若いベトナム人女性から性的サービスを受けることが出来たからです」
“At that time, people in Saigon called the Turkish Bath a ‘steam and cream parlor’ because it was a place where you could avail yourself of the sexual services of young Vietnamese women.”
It became clear from the statements that the Turkish baths in Saigon at that time were another name for brothels, like in Japan in the past. However, I had difficulty finding someone who knew about the ROK army’s comfort station.
About six months after I started the research, I received an e-mail from a U.S. veteran who fought in the Vietnam War.
Andrew Finlayson, 71, served with the U.S. Marines’ infantry unit in the Vietnam War for two years and eight months from 1967 and fought in various locations in South Vietnam. After leaving the military, he served in military adviser groups in conflict areas. He is a researcher and has published books on the Vietnam War. He agreed to be interviewed.
Soldiers’ “Rest and Recuperation”
In early winter last year, when it was becoming cold in the mornings and evenings, Finlayson, wearing a black turtleneck sweater and a jacket, appeared at a small hotel in Virginia. He looked like an affable gentleman but his thick chest and piercing eyes disclosed that he was a former marine officer.
Contrary to his looks, Finlayson, a researcher, spoke quietly with the manner of an intellectual. He said:
“There was indeed a ROK army comfort station in Saigon. I knew about it very well.”
Finlayson was responsible for reconnaissance teams in the rural villages in South Vietnam, so he was involved with liaison with the ROK army and was familiar with the situation at that time.
“The ROK army comfort station cited by the U.S. military commander was a major sexual facility for the South Korean soldiers. It was precisely a facility for providing sexual services to these soldiers.”
According to Finlayson, it was a Turkish bath of an enormous size. However, according to Finlayson, there was an even bigger facility in another location in Saigon. These facilities were divided into blocs inside. Around 20 Vietnamese women worked in each bloc.
When asked why the ROK army had to set up large comfort stations in Saigon, Finlayson responded immediately:
“This was to prevent South Korean soldiers from raping Vietnamese women or having individual sexual relations with them. There was also concern that South Korean officers might keep prostitutes as mistresses in Vietnamese villages. These things might develop into political trouble between the Vietnamese society and the ROK army.
“Venereal diseases were also a serious concern for the armed forces. It would be possible to manage the health of the comfort women at the comfort stations. At that time, venereal disease was a serious problem in South Vietnam. Syphilis was particularly rampant.”
ベトナム戦争当時、一定期間前線で戦った韓国軍の兵士は、「休息と回復期間(Rest & Recuperation)」として戦地を離れ、サイゴンで休養する事を許された。この「静養中」の韓国兵がサイゴンや近郊の農村でトラブルを起こしたり、性病に罹ったりしないよう、韓国軍が韓国兵のための慰安所を、サイゴン市内に設置したというのだ。
During the Vietnam War, South Korean soldiers who fought on the front lines for a certain period of time were allowed to leave the battlefield for R&R (rest and recuperation) in Saigon. Apparently, the ROK army set up comfort stations in Saigon for the soldiers so that they would not make trouble in Saigon and the nearby villages while on R&R and to prevent the spread of venereal disease.
Who were the Vietnamese women made to serve the South Korean soldiers?
Finlayson said they were almost invariably young girls from the rural villages in Vietnam.
“Women who worked in these brothels were almost invariably very young girls from the rural areas.
“They were there for various reasons. There were girls who were sold by their families due to poverty. Some went there of their own free will. They lost their jobs and became comfort women. For sure, there were also women who were deceived and brought there.”
The letter mentioned earlier wrote that while this facility was set up as a comfort station for the sole benefit of the Korean troops, U.S. soldiers and members of other allied forces were given special access, in which case, they were charged $38 each time. Finlayson explained why this happened.
A U.S. veteran who had once gone to the facility provided the following information on the condition of anonymity:
「ほとんどが十代の少女だった。十六歳だという少女もいたし、もっと幼く見える女の子もいた。こうした農村出身の素直で華奢な少女に夢中になる兵士も多く、こうした者は『Yellow Fever(黄熱病)』と揶揄されていた」
“Most of the women who worked in the Turkish baths were girls from the rural villages under 20 years old. Some said they were 16 and others looked even younger. Many soldiers went so gaga over these simple petite girls that they were ridiculed as having the ‘yellow fever’.”
This man in his 70s and living in New Jersey said that the comfort station in question was a large-scale facility including several adjacent buildings, and an annex across the street. On later investigation, I confirmed that the building housing this facility actually still exists today, and that this facility was operated together with two adjacent buildings and there was also an annex across the street, matching his description. I felt that his incredible account that the majority of the Vietnamese comfort women were minors was reliable.
Finlayson gave the following reasons for why friendly forces were accepted at a Korean Comfort Women facility.
South Korean Government Policy?
“There were seasonal fluctuations in the number of South Korean soldiers coming to Saigon for R&R. Therefore, this facility set up for the exclusive use of ROK troops came to accept soldiers of the allied forces during low seasons.”
Finlayson was unequivocal in answering all my questions. His explanation also corresponded completely with what I had learned from archive documents and interviews with informed sources.
After the 90-minute meeting with Finlayson, I felt that several of the questions I had had throughout my 15 months of information gathering were answered. For sure, many facts still need to be uncovered regarding how the ROK army set up the comfort stations, their size, and how they were operated. However, there is no doubt that what could be called “urban comfort stations” set up by the ROK army existed in Saigon during the Vietnam War.
So, how do the Vietnamese feel about the ROK army’s comfort stations? I asked Dr. Nguyen Goc Bich, a former Vietnamese government official who now resides in Washington.
I met Bich at a forum commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War in Washington last summer. He was born in the port city of Danang in central Vietnam and grew up in Saigon. He immigrated to the U.S. in 1958, shortly before the Vietnam War intensified. He is a scholar who taught Asian literature at several U.S. universities after studying at Colombia University and Kyoto University.
He was familiar with the killings and other atrocities committed by the ROK army during the Vietnam War but did not know about the comfort stations. Bich is a pleasant gray-haired gentleman, but after reading the letter in question, his facial expression hardened.
“If crimes and hideous acts were committed, evil is evil whether Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese or Americans were responsible.”
Bich, who also chairs an organization of Vietnamese in America, said that the Vietnamese people “talk about events 2,000 years ago as if they happened yesterday.”
“If the South Korean army had indeed done those terrible things to the Vietnamese, our people will absolutely not overlook this fact.
“We must talk to the ROK, conduct investigations, negotiate, and find out the facts following our conscience. This issue cannot be resolved and will continue to poison bilateral relations unless we find out the truth.”
Bich was most interested in whether the setting up of comfort stations was a ROK government decision.
“If this was not an act by a bunch of bad guys and was the result of an ROK government policy, it should not be overlooked. There is no way to justify such an act if the state was involved.”
If the ROK government and army were involved in the systematic operation of comfort stations for the sake of maintaining the armed forces’ discipline and preventing venereal disease, this was certainly a government action. And this was a system that was exactly the same as the Japanese Imperial Army’s comfort stations that the ROK government has criticized relentlessly.
Perhaps this was understandable. The president at that time, Park Chung-hee, fought in Manchuria as a member of the Japanese army during the Pacific War after he graduated from a military academy in Japan. He must have been very familiar with the operation and functions of the Japanese army’s comfort stations. Commander Chae Myung Shin, the addressee of the letter, was given a high level position shortly after Park Chung-hee succeeded in his coup d’etat in 1961. He was one of Park’s closest confidants.
Chae admitted that the ROK army set up comfort stations during the Korean War in his autobiography published in 1994.
It would be quite natural for the ROK army, which participated in the Vietnam War less than 10 years after the end of the Korean War, to operate comfort stations. It can be said that the decision to operate comfort stations was made during the Vietnam War precisely because Park and Chae headed the government and the armed forces at that time.
Meanwhile, Park Chung-hee’s daughter, President Park Geun-hye, has persisted in criticizing harshly the Japanese army’s comfort stations in the international community. She told the world in her address to the UN General Assembly last fall:
“Sexual violence against women in wartime is a clear violation of human rights and humanism regardless of time and place.”
Now that an official U.S. document has shown that the ROK army operated a comfort station in Vietnam, President Park has to take responsibility for her own words.
If she truly regards the comfort women issue as a human rights issue and not as a tool in domestic politics and foreign affairs, she ought to think of the young Vietnamese girls who serviced the South Korean soldiers in Saigon. How many girls were made to work as comfort women under what circumstances? Were there not women forced to become comfort women against their will? She should take the lead in investigating their working conditions, just like what was done for the former South Korean comfort women.
She ought to investigate the similarities and differences between the South Korean and Japanese comfort stations and find out what were the issues with these facilities. I believe it is only by taking an impartial approach that the comfort women issue in both countries can be sorted out and the foundation for the two countries to achieve true reconciliation can be laid.
However, if the ROK government suppresses this issue and denies it without even conducting an investigation, it will be proving to the international community that it is the ROK that is a country that turns a blind eye to inconvenient facts and refuses to face history squarely.
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