The Iranian Time Bomb

20 June 2009

Nearly two years ago, I read the book "The Iranian Time Bomb: The Mullah Zealots' Quest for Destruction," by Michael Ledeen.  In light of today's events in Iran, Mr. Ledeen's words are proving accurate.  This is especially so in regard to internal instability.  Mr. Ledeen himself is a lightning rod for controversy but I will say this: he's a smart man whom I've spent many hours talking with on many occasions.  His eldest son served two tours as a Marine in Anbar Province, Iraq.  His daughter spends more time downrange than most soldiers.  Mr. Ledeen's words are often controversial, but he's true blue American and always worth listening to.

Mr. Ledeen has been publishing on Pajamas Media.

I was denied a visa to Pakistan, but should be in Afghanistan before the end of next week.

Your Writer,

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