Michael's Dispatches
Take Me to Your Leader (If you have one)

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- Published: Monday, 09 January 2012 11:20
09 January 2012
Jordan Schneider has done an excellent job helping to push the MEDEVAC Red Cross issue. Her energy seems bottomless. It was Jordan the active citizen who contacted Senator Charles Grassley, who quickly inquired to the Secretary of the Army, who passed the buck to CENTCOM.
Yet this is not per se a CENTCOM issue; this is an Army-wide policy failure. However, CENTCOM could fix the issue at least in Afghanistan.
Today we see CENTCOM tossing the grenade back to the Big Army. This email to Jordan came from CENTCOM Public Affairs. (Underlining is mine.)
Hi Jordan
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. Was out sick yesterday and am heading home early; thus, I’m shooting you an e-mail reply.
As promised, I shared the materials you provided with my superiors. I have been informed that Army Public Affairs in Washington definitely the lead on this and not we here at CENTCOM. I have also learned that David Martin is interviewing senior leaders in Afghanistan and Washington, and there should be something on CBS next week or the week after.
Hope this helps. Good luck!
Public Affairs Officer
United States Central Command
MacDill Air Force Base, Florida
COMM: 813-529-0218
DSN: 529-0218
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This commment is unpublished.· 7 years agoDefintely FUBAR.
This commment is unpublished.The Secretary of the Army needs to beat his face.
Jackass. -
This commment is unpublished.WOW... CBS. Well I guess this is good, maybe the media will embarrass them into a change. I pushed the issue up to my South Carolina Senators Lindsay Graham, Jim Demint and House Rep Joe "you lie" Wilson and got a half-assed happy response from Sen. Demint that was nothing more than a I understand your concern and will keep it in mind, but nothing from the other 2. Congressman Wilson in on the Armed Services Committee and could have at the very least done an inquiry. I guess all of them will be asking for a vote soon.
This commment is unpublished.Well done Mr. Carter,, typical politicians,, typical buck passing.
This commment is unpublished.Why are we surprised? Gee CENTCOM it's not hard to make a decision. I'll help you with your decision making problem.
Does the othe branches of the US Military carry the Red Cross on their aircraft? No
Do you want to save more American lives? Yes
See it's easy! -
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.It’s a liability thing. No one wants to be the one with the finger pointed at them when the first unmarked bird gets shot down while picking up casualties. Someone just needs to man up and make the decision.
This commment is unpublished.personally thought this was a decent answer. Blunt and to the point. Centcom is not authorized to speak to the issue. But, if you wait a week CBS may get the answer you want for you. Hint Army IS getting some heat.
Didn't waste time with double speak like the last one. -
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.Michael,
Again great reporting and you did a outstanding job moving this up the Chain of Command. You took the heat and deserve the upmost respect for taken on a subject that our close minded military leaders tried to ignore or stall.
I think in time a change will come from your hard work. This will be one of your many issues our US Military families will remember you for.
Great Work! -
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished."Unbelievable" would be an understatement. It's really hard to ascribe a motive outside of political correctness run wild.
This commment is unpublished.If anyone has an "in" with Lt. Col. North at Fox News, this would be a good one. I've tried contacting him about this but didn't get any response.
Good job, Michael and Jordan.-
This commment is unpublished.Seems to me that this time its going to be the old guys fighting and dying alond side the young ones.
This commment is unpublished.Ed, you might try going through Soldier of Fortune magazine. Im sure they have a way of getting to him.
This commment is unpublished.Michael,
Awesome job getting this out in the open. I think Mr. Maynard is on to something. CBS/60 minutes I don't hold much hope for, but if enough of us start bombarding FOX News...as well as Ollie North, I think some heads may roll as long as FOX picks it up. It's up to all of us to do our part. Kudos to Michael for exposing it in the first place. -
This commment is unpublished.I suddenly feel as though I am trapped in an old game of Pong for pity sake. One side hits across the net ( insert slow computer sound here) and the other side hits it back (another computer sound) and so it goes until someone finally missed that little dash/ball. ;-)
This commment is unpublished.Catchesthewind! I'm surprised SOF has not picked up on this issue. SOF been around since the 60's and this is their type of story. Maybe their too busy chasing the Fast and Furious mess. Every month their is another update. Holder is a real piece of work! Correction, the entire Administration is a piece of work!