Michael's Dispatches
Spitting Cobra

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- Published: Friday, 15 January 2010 14:04
15 January 2010
Cobra Battery at FOB Frontenac
Arghandab, Afghanistan
Artillery is called “The King of Battle.” When it comes to the delivery of force, probably nothing outside of nuclear weapons can outmatch the sustained delivery of extreme brutality. Cannons also can deliver small atomic weapons.
Aircraft and missles have range and other profound advantages, yet on a tactical battlefield these guns are like a force of nature.
They can fire in any weather that man dares to stand in.
American artillery can destroy a parked car with the first shot from twenty miles away. No sniper has ever lived who can shoot so well.
The red glow is caused by an approaching humvee whose lights were dimmed by red filters, yet the sensitive camera collected light over time.
Calculations for shots are extremely complex and include dozens of factors, such as windspeed, barometric pressure, humidity, altitude of the gun and the target, temperature, and the Earth’s rotation, and the specific lot number of the ammunition. Every gun is different and so the calculations for one gun would lose accuracy in another. The guns are brutal and rugged, but also high-tech, precision machines that took centuries of science, engineering and experience to reach the current state.
The guns have reached such a high level of evolution that despite the extreme complexity, within minutes of receiving a “fire mission,” a good crew will reliably deliver accurate shots with help from the computer.
Sometimes missions are pre-planned, while at other times crews must wait close to the guns for hours, even days, without a break. There was some base in Iraq—I went there with CSM Jeff Mellinger but have forgotten where it was—and the base was taking rocket or mortar fire on a frequent basis from a certain area. And so the cannoneers slept just next to the guns, and finally the enemy fired and was killed because the guns were pointed at the exact predicted firing point. The cannoneers just loaded and counter-fired and finished them. Probably few people on base realized that the “cannon cockers” had conducted an ambush-by-howitzer. (Maybe the crew who was there will recall this and set the facts straight.)
Cobra battery, 1-17th Infantry, fires illumination.
Sometimes the crews fire “H & I” or “terrain denial” missions. Harassment and Interdiction missions are fired at terrain known to be used only by the enemy at certain times, and so anytime the enemy feels like rolling the dice, they can move into that terrain. Such missions also provide influence for “shaping” the battlefield. If the commander is trying to flush the enemy into a blunder—maybe an ambush—or maybe to cut them off from an escape route, he can have the guns pound into a gorge, say, that is used as an enemy route. Or maybe he just tries to persuade the enemy to take a route where we have sniper teams waiting. The battery can be used in many ways that do not include direct attacks on enemy formations.
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This commment is unpublished.· 9 years agoWay to go arty! Thanks for being there and doing what you do. We appreciate your service to our country and especially to the 1-17 guys. Best wishes!
This commment is unpublished.Great work, Michael Yon. Neat!
This commment is unpublished.Thank God for these men and women. Thank you Mr. Yon for covering their stories.
This commment is unpublished.Can't help but wonder who named the FOB? Frontenac was the ballsy military/civil leader of French Canada who took on the Iroquois and English in Upstate NY and the Ohio Valley long before the Declaration of Independence was a thought in anyone's mind. His mission: Stop the harrassment by the 6 Nations and their Anglo suppliers...maybe an appropriate name after all...he did 2 tours...his second one he was past 60 years of age.
This commment is unpublished.Good to hear about arty being used over there in Afghanistan. As an older Red Leg, Arty Weather back in the COLD war/peace days, can't imagine how weather data is collected these days. Plus that FDC effort must be interesting too. Especially good to see and read about those 2ID guys and pray for all of them too.
The roar of the guns is exciting and great to hear except the 8-inch guns shake the ground and make plots shaky. -
This commment is unpublished.These are some awesome shots Michael. I don't see many artillery crews in the news, so this was refreshing.
thanks and keep up the great work,
prior Fister (13 Foxtrot) -
This commment is unpublished.Well, well. 2010 and the Americans finally get in the fight.
The Canadians have been doing this and doing it better for the last 6 years with their M777 & excalibur rounds.
But you think they have been tactically defeated so don't bother reporting on them.
A word of advice . . stay out of Timmy's on the boardwalk at KAF. There are a few Canucks who want to "ask" you about your ludicrous claim that they have been defeated by the Taliban. -
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This commment is unpublished......and looking at what is happening in Haiti right now, your email popped up. With all of the tragedy happening in the world this very minute, I find it amazing that we have such brave, courageous, and giving men and women in our armed services. These men and women are all over the world helping others and serving our country. It is truly an amazing job that I truly respect. I am so proud to be an American and would not want to be any where but the US! A big thank you to our military! May God bless you for all that you do for others!
Thank you Michael Yon for showing us what goes on when I am in the safety of my own home. I will keep you and these men and women in my prayers.
God bless! -
This commment is unpublished.Thank you, Michael, for now we know a little more about the guns and their evolution into today's fighting.
Ernie Pyle wrote in 1944 that the Germans feared our artillery "... almost more than anything we had."
Perhaps our enemies in Afghanistan feel similarly. -
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This commment is unpublished.What an awesome post. I join other old redleggers in a big Hooah! I was on a M102 105mm Light towed with Delta Battery 1/509 ABN in Italy in the 80's. Shoot, Move, Communicate is what we did. Great to see FA get a nod.. . . And Kudo's to the other countries there in the mix! THanks Michael. Keep the posts coming downrange...
This commment is unpublished.Joan's Bob, I beleive you are incorrect. Artillery is and has been "King of Battle" for a LONG time. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/army/fa.htm is a good reference on the different monikers used by various branches.
This commment is unpublished.Just, simply awesome, Michael.
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This commment is unpublished.What an amazing job our soldiers do. Thank you for your service! I am amazed at your dedication. Once again Michael you have put together some fantastic photos. Thank you for your dedication to your work and your professionalism.
This commment is unpublished.Michael,
Great pictures and a look at todays gun bunnies ( thats what we called them, no offense! ) Supported them back in the early 80's when they first started getting the hitech M109's, glad to see that the made the new towed ones so effective. Hats off to all the guys on the guns and in the fight -
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This commment is unpublished.Terrific pics & commentary, as usual! I realize you have great subjects (our fine warriors) to work with, but you're the only one who really tells a story. It's much appreciated.
This commment is unpublished.Great Shots,I was an FO for 155,s in Germany in the 80's,wish we had all this neat stuff!
Toujours Pret! -
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This commment is unpublished.Thanks Michael for your terrific camera and feel you have for the Soldiers doing their job so skillfully we have great gratitude for their professionalism and respect for their dedication and skill. We also appreciate what you do to bring their "story" to us iin pictures and descriptions which leave us spellbound. Thank you and God protect the soldiers and their chronicler.
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This commment is unpublished.Your photography and story-telling is like no other. These photos have a quality of 'star wars' proportions. If I were the enemy I'd be packing my bags. Thank you so much for continuing to bring the spotlight to our extraordinary soldiers. Another depiction of how incredible they all are! Forever indebted for what they (and you) do.
This commment is unpublished.Queen of Battle refers to the Infantry. We are a four generation Army family and the last two have been Infantrymen. Our son is currently in eastern Afghanistan and works with an FA unit. He was in Ramadi, Iraq in 2005-2006, when it was a really bad time to be in Ramadi. These soldiers are an amazing group of men and women. I couldn't be prouder to be an Army Brat, Army Wife, and Army Mom. Our daughter even has RMYBRT on her license plate.
This commment is unpublished.Your photos are awesome, and your comments are excellent. Love the arty!
This commment is unpublished.Fascinating photos as ever, Mr Yon.
You might care to know that the M777 is actually a British invention by Vickers and is an excellent piece of kit. I was in Procurement in the 80s and saw the first prototypes firing in Cumbria. Sadly, UK didn't buy it but it is used to great effect by CAN, US and AUS forces. As somebody has already said, Artillery adds............to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl. I know - I was an FOO in the Cold War; one of my sons is commanding an FST on Herrick 11 and the other one (RM) deploys in 18 months time. -
This commment is unpublished.As a former FDCer (in B-Btry, 22nd FA in Panama Canal Zone and elsewhere) in the 70's, it is nice to read about a modern artillery unit. Great photos too Michael. When I could get away from the FDC I would take my old Canon F1 SLR and take photos. They look nothing like yours though. I looked up your camera online and am quite impressed with it's capabilities. You've got a good eye for photography; I love your shots. One of these days I must get out to Ft. Sill and check out the Artillery Museum there. Fascinating what modern artillery can do, particularly the Excaliber round.
This commment is unpublished.Michael Yon, YOU ARE OUR ERNIE PYLE! Your skills and knowledge are vast, and we admire and thank you for the work that you do. May God bless our fighting men and women, and may God bless you and keep you all safe.
This commment is unpublished.5-2 SBCT assumed battlespace from the Canadians in RC-South. Hence the French-Canadian source for FOB name :-) Great write-up Michael! Got my spine tingling just seeing the beautiful pics of these heros doing their best for our country.
"Can't help but wonder who named the FOB? Frontenac was the ballsy military/civil leader of French Canada who took on the Iroquois and English in Upstate NY and the Ohio Valley long before the Declaration of Independence was a thought in anyone's mind. His mission: Stop the harrassment by the 6 Nations and their Anglo suppliers...maybe an appropriate name after all...he did 2 tours...his second one he was past 60 years of age. " -
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This commment is unpublished.Is Cobra Battery from a field artillery regiment (C Battery, x battalion, y Field Artillery?) and in support of 1-17 Inf or is it part of 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry?
There is a 17th Field Artillery but so many reorganizations.
Thank you for your service, anyhow and great shots (and great shooting).
James Ronan -
This commment is unpublished.Great photos!
I don't know much about artillery, but that looks like an M777. Keep up the great work. -
This commment is unpublished.I am so proud of these soldiers. We have the best Army we have ever had, a better and more capable one than I served in. What's the saying? We can sleep safe in our beds because men like these are willing to put their lives on the line.
This commment is unpublished.Mike,
Thanks for the great coverage of 3-17 FA. The next time you are out at Ramrod, please stop by and visit the Gators. -
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This commment is unpublished.Those unexploded rounds bedeviled us in 'Nam as they were often turned into IEDs. There were way too many of them. After the war many of them were traced to a factory controlled by the Mafia where defective fuzes were passed regardless.
Even at that we were happy to be able to call on the cannon cockers when the situation got ugly.
Michael thanks for the great work. -
This commment is unpublished.As for me. I swear on my mothers grave. When our brave warriors come home. Any one thats calls our troops a baby killer, murderer or any thing disrespectful. They will pay a heavy price at the hands of this Vietnam Veteran.
God Bless and keep ALL our troops safe and sound. -
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This commment is unpublished.Great photos and informative writing. I am so glad to read your work, and to learn about the work our people do in AF. LEarning about the sophstication of the weapons and the long training required to use them effectively increases the respect for our people.
Best wishes to both you and our troops. -
This commment is unpublished.Absolutely great and "ON TARGET"
This commment is unpublished.Michael, this is the kind of stuff you are so well known for. These pictures are fantastic. Some of your opinion now and then is good stuff too. Your analysis is really great. But, I gotta let you know, some of the more recent posts you have made are more like reading a tabliod front page. I know that from your perspective they're important, and I'm not suggesting they are not, but this type of good old-fashioned photo-journalism is where it's at. You do GREAT work.
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