Michael's Dispatches
Our Weak Government Must Stop Apologizing for Criminal Behavior of Others

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- Published: Sunday, 26 February 2012 18:19
27 February 2012
The recent Koran-burning in Afghanistan has again inspired lunacy and murder. And while the US civilian and military leadership burdened by their oleaginous apologies tumbles down a moral stairwell, Afghan security forces continue to murder American and Coalition troops. Insider violence persists at an increasing rate. Approximately 200 Coalition members have been killed or wounded in nearly fifty documented “green on blue” attacks.
Noticeably absent from the airwaves is a definitive apology from Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and a vow to fight this treachery committed by his troops. Instead, we are likely to hear Karzai whining about night raids that his own troops help conduct every night.
We should immediately cut off all aid to Afghanistan until we hear a public apology from Karzai, and a denouncement from Karzai of Coalition murders by Afghan troops. We should end all unnecessarily joint operations, training, and support of Afghan forces until we have public assurances from Karzai that the Afghan government strongly condemns the increasing murders of Coalition members. Armed Afghans should not be allowed onto US aircraft. Our people do missions every night with armed Afghans on our helicopters. It would be nothing to take down a CH-47 from the inside.
It is time that we redeploy our main battle force home and disentangle ourselves from AfPak.
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This commment is unpublished.· 7 years agoIt't time to bring out people home. All of them. IF we aren't going to fight to win this battle then this is all ridiculous. We bring 'em home and we cut funding to Afghanistan. Let them tear each other apart, but isolate them at least to the point they cannot spill their hate anywhere else. We gave them a chance spilling blood to do so, they have not taken to that chance. Time to be done.
This commment is unpublished.zuhax
This commment is unpublished.Yes, get out!
We need to let them know that the next time we have to go there, we will wipe these murderous animals off the face of the Earth.
Nuff already! -
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.No, burning the books was wrong, and the apology was the right thing to do. It shows the world we are the good guys and has nothing to do with the fight there.
There are plenty of ways to convince the enemy of our badassery without being dicks.
As for Karzai, I agree 100%.-
This commment is unpublished.[quote name="xoxoxoBruce"]No, burning the books was wrong, and the apology was the right thing to do. It shows the world we are the good guys and has nothing to do with the fight there.
There are plenty of ways to convince the enemy of our badassery without being dicks.
As for Karzai, I agree 100%.[/quote]
Apparently, you are ill-informed. The korans were burned, along with other related materials, because the detainees inscribed extremist propaganda in them to communicate with other detainees, who would do the same. The material became enemy propaganda. It is regrettable, though, that the ashes were not inspected to ensure the contents were fully incinerated.-
This commment is unpublished."Enemy Propaganda" is exactly right. According to a recent Military Examiner article on this issue, the proper method of disposal is to either bury them or float them away on "flowing water." Burying them is out, they'll just get dug up again. Not much in the way of "flowing water" in Afghanistan.... What to do...?
OK, I got it: fly them out to the nearest carrier, put them all in the biggest container they can find, put them on the first available bow cat and launch them into the "flowing water" going past the bow! That should satisfy their requirements. :lol:
As for Karzai, make this his final warning. Any more garbage like this, and his support -- [b]and[/b] the NATO military presence -- evaporates like morning mists. Sorry, but I've spent the past 10 years reading about the lives we've lost over there. I'm also no pacifist, but I know when it's time to reconsider our priorities. We accomplished what we went in there to do, as far as I can see, so it's time to bring the troops home.
//Steve// -
This commment is unpublished.Before our soldiers were murdered, perhaps an apology MAY have been in order. Afterwards? All bets are off. It is against Muslim belief to deface the Koran by writing in it, from what I know. Yet it's ok for detainees to do this but not us to burn them.
This commment is unpublished.We lost this war the day we went into Afghan. And all we have done since is add to the lost war. The apology was the right thing to do. It is there country and their religion and we did not respect either. And I would like to add. In this despatch all that use to be in it was pro War now it is get out. I wonder what changed everyones mind. Maybe they read what I said years ago in this despatch, it is there country and they have been like this for thousand of years so what makes US think we are going to change them? Bring our troops home and put them on our boarders.
This commment is unpublished.xoxoxoBruce- The Koran burnings were completely unintentional. The soldiers were disposing of tattered books and other literature, and since no proper trash disposal or recycling exists in Afghanistan, they must burn everything. My husband in currently in Afghanistan, so this information is coming from a primary source. There was no malice involved on our soldiers' part. Even if there was, murdering innocent troops is in no way justified. Now, who do you think were being "dicks"?
This commment is unpublished.To Bruce the dhimmi clown,
Do you know that it is blasphemous for any writing to be made upon the pages of a Koran? Take a guess fool what Islam proscribes for any Koran that has been so defaced. Burning.
This whole fiasco has been a contrived charade to sucker self-righteous weaklings like you into forcing real men to bow to the terrorists.
You, sir, are a tool of our enemies.-
This commment is unpublished.Do you really think it's that simple? Apart from the fact that nothing was actually written in them (notes with messages were concealed in them, and rather than making sure they'd found them all, some lazy smartasses decided to burn them so they could eat lunch earlier), I really, really, really doubt that any part of the Koran reads that a defaced Koran should be burned by "infidels", along with their garbage. If you don't understand how the Koran burning genuinly makes Afghans angry, you shouldn't call anyone a tool.
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.Are we supposed to let terrorists write messages to each other in Korans and do nothing? What would these people do if Christians were writing messages back and forth in prison? Let them keep their Bibles? Not likely!
We should have destroyed the Korans in an acceptable way, asking the clerics how to do that when they have been defaced, which is what writing in the Koran is considered.
This commment is unpublished.Obama is the disgrace here. He shows little respect for our troops. He must be removed in November. He is no better than Karzai. And both Karzai and Obama in effect are destroying the hopes and dreams of those freedom loving Afghans who stuck their necks out for us. Get ready for another wave of "boat people" brought to us by weak Democrat leaders.
This commment is unpublished.How can he have let down any freedom loving Afghans? Seriously, it's the Bush administration that wrecked the war in Afghanistan from the start by all of a sudden pulling out large amounts of the troops and SF deployed there so they could be used in the meaningless invasion of Iraq (meaningless as in that there never were any WMDs, and they knew it). The Talibans were almost completely gone after the Northern Alliance had won, but then they were allowed plenty of time to rest and reorganize because the men who'd been wrecking them had to sort out a badly managed war in Iraq over the next seven years before they could really turn up again in Afghanistan and do anything there. Obama on the other hand is actually behind the Afghan surge, which considering the cost, demand of men, equipment and time is the biggest commitment undertaken towards freedom loving Afghans ever.
By the way, consider what a freedom loving Afghan is. It's of course an Afghan who wants to see his country as a democratic state with the same human rights as in the Western world, a country where he can think what he wants, say what he wants, and openly be part of whatever religion he wants. A country where he can make money by honest work and build a comfortable life for him and his family. Now imagine what he feels when a foreign country decides to make the Talibans wish they were never born, and kick them out of the country. He couldn't be happier. Less than a year later, most of this country's troops disappear, leaving behind them a wrecked infrastructure, and no real functioning governemt, police, army, etc. The Talibans are allowed to come back and even take control of entire cities. Karzai loses a democratic election, but he said he won so he's not going anywhere. An dumbass burns a Koran in America. The foreign troops come back after almost a decade, and when they do he hear that some of them have urinated on dead bodies, and others have tried to burn the Koran along with their garbage. -
This commment is unpublished.When you say things like 'freedom loving Afghans' it shows that you really don't get what's going on in Afghanistan. I'll oversimplify for illustration -- if you asked the average citizen living under despotism in the middle east they would probably tell you they want a democratic government, however given enough power that same person would install himself as a dictator and that person wouldn't see a contradiction.
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.The brilliance of the Afghanistan war was that the US maintained minimal presence in the initial stage. Sending regular units to Afghanistan marked when a brilliant turned into a foolhardy venture, particularly as our management and leadership appears to understand very little about how the middle east thinks. (I live here and I can tell you they don't understand this place.)
In short, let's get our troops back asap and stop pumping money into the enemy's bank accounts. -
This commment is unpublished.Meanwhile Muslims are butchering Christians throughout Africa and Iran is about to behead a Christian pastor because he left Islam. What normal, civilized people go bat dung crazy over the burning of a book? It's time to come home and if anyone is owed an apology it is the civilized world that is trying to beat back the encroaching darkness of Islam.
This commment is unpublished.:sigh: There is enough hatred out there to not add to it. Of course we needed to apologize. It was wrong to burn the Koran (Quaran) whether it was done with knowledge or lack of knowledge. I agree with the comment from Bruce. We need to be civilized and take responsibility Michael. On the other hand, blaming our President for everything is also a weak display of what is American. You have the right in our free democratic country to your free speech but put the blame where it belongs, seven degrees. I'm not sure how many of you pray but I do that all the time. I don't know how many of you have served or are serving in the MidEast now. (The culture is not VN or WWII) I have a son who has deployed there and will no doubt deploy again. He cares about this country and his fellow soldiers and he woudn't be writing a lot of these comments that are poorly thought out. So much anger. I'm glad we have a President with a cool head. Blue Star Mom
This commment is unpublished.[quote name="Judy"]:sigh: There is enough hatred out there to not add to it. Of course we needed to apologize. It was wrong to burn the Koran (Quaran) whether it was done with knowledge or lack of knowledge. I agree with the comment from Bruce. We need to be civilized and take responsibility Michael. On the other hand, blaming our President for everything is also a weak display of what is American. You have the right in our free democratic country to your free speech but put the blame where it belongs, seven degrees. I'm not sure how many of you pray but I do that all the time. I don't know how many of you have served or are serving in the MidEast now. (The culture is not VN or WWII) I have a son who has deployed there and will no doubt deploy again. He cares about this country and his fellow soldiers and he woudn't be writing a lot of these comments that are poorly thought out. So much anger. I'm glad we have a President with a cool head. Blue Star Mom[/quote]
Obama must accept ultimate responsibility after all its his handpicked commanders that are in charge over there.-
This commment is unpublished.[quote name="derek"][quote name="Judy"]:sigh: There is enough hatred out there to not add to it. Of course we needed to apologize. It was wrong to burn the Koran (Quaran) whether it was done with knowledge or lack of knowledge. I agree with the comment from Bruce. We need to be civilized and take responsibility Michael. On the other hand, blaming our President for everything is also a weak display of what is American. You have the right in our free democratic country to your free speech but put the blame where it belongs, seven degrees. I'm not sure how many of you pray but I do that all the time. I don't know how many of you have served or are serving in the MidEast now. (The culture is not VN or WWII) I have a son who has deployed there and will no doubt deploy again. He cares about this country and his fellow soldiers and he woudn't be writing a lot of these comments that are poorly thought out. So much anger. I'm glad we have a President with a cool head. Blue Star Mom[/quote]
Obama must accept ultimate responsibility after all its his handpicked commanders that are in charge over there.[/quote]
also his cool head has a lot to do with the upcoming elections not doing the right thing. ( bank on that)
This commment is unpublished.Saying "Pull out now" is like listening to my
yr old scream for ice cream when she hasn't eaten dinner. You're not getting the ice cream till you eat. And if you don't eat, no ice cream. We are inAfghanistan right now to a large degree because of the infantile, isolationist, myopic short term sighted foreign policy guide of "och it hurts, pull out!". Mogadishu ring bells? US "ouch it hurts, run away like a Nancy girl.". OBL/ terrorists, "Hmmmmm...I think I've got an idea how to easily steer US forign policy." Cole. Khobar towers. 9/11.
That said, Obama apology is just about pointless as Karzai's call for calm. The apology I want is from the 2-star at RC-E and some ones's a$$ on a platter. This is twice their a$$hat clownery has risen to epic levels in under a year (I'm referring to the PakMil crossborder incident). I'm not sure how much worse your leadership can be when there's an environment where people aren't stopping to say, " hey, I'm in an Islamic country, someone might take issue with me burning this stuff.". Do they throw out US flags in the trash and burn them because someone scribbled on it? What's the "I" stand for in GIRoA? Oh and let's take this to new levels of stupidity by doing it in front of locals. You have no idea how badly I wish stupidity induced pain upon just the stupid. And yes....I'm probably a litle harsh since I can't fly in today via commercial and had to last minute book a flight to the military side of Kabul's airport. But I bet I feel the same in 6 months.-
This commment is unpublished.I appreciate where you're coming from but the situation is hopeless. We've made asses of ourselves by kissing the enemies butt and deluding ourselves that gutless, backstabbing tribal goons are reliable allies.
This isn't COIN. It's NoWin. You guys are shedding blood for nothing.
This commment is unpublished.In a face-saving move to get out of Afghanistan. we have announced that advisors will be embedded with Afghan troops to permit the withdrawal of our conventional units. Is that safe for the advisors? I think that we are creating easy targets. The first batch of trainees is now finishing up their training. Yes, even though the generals have only been talking about this switch in the last few weeks; it has been in the works for a long time
This commment is unpublished.I guess you havent seen the followup to this. Gen Allen immediately pulled all advisors from local ministries after the 2 officers were killed yesterday (Afghans day before yesterday). That would indicate to me he views advisors as a higher risk at least for now.
This commment is unpublished.We don't belong there! We never did! We should have destroyed the training camps and moved on! The only people that deserve an apology is the American soldiers and the United States citizens from our Commander-In-Chief for screwing this country up and bowing to the enemy at every turn in this war. The borders in this country is a problem. I don't want to hear if we fight over there BS. The enemy is here. Round-up the troublemakers with US Troops and lets get back to making this the strongest country in the world. We had a great nation from 1930's to the early 80's. What the hell happened?
This commment is unpublished.40. Ronald Reagan
41. George H. W. Bush
42. William J. Clinton
43. George W. Bush
44. Barack Obama
You figure it out. -
This commment is unpublished.Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires. What makes out politicians and general officers think they can do what Alexander the Great, the Brits and the Russians failed to do? Nobody can civilize that place.
The people running this war obviously never have read Sun Tzu. Otherwise we would have burned their damned poppy fields and left a long time ago.
This commment is unpublished.Judy, read Andy's post. Burning was the correct action but it should have been shredded first so that it was a complete burn. You can't allow notes to be passed within the prison. If they want to write notes on the Koran to be passed around then it's on them, not on us. I'm not sure of the date but the Afghanies are suppose to be the lead at the prison and it they were the ones that did it then why is the US taking the heat? Someone with more knowledge should look into this fact.
This commment is unpublished.Right, Kevin. I hear you. I read Andy's comment on Bruce's comment and and I guess who is informed and who is not still does not change the fact that someone let the dog out and people on both sides reacted. The problem is the continual domino effect that is sustained through hate speech here or elsewhere. Sometimes it reminds me of how a Junior High operates.(I have experience). Reactive. One needs to THINK before,during and after the incident(s).Isn't that what training is for? The incident today with the officers losing their lives shows again that someone is not taking the sensitivity of this issue seriously enough...where it matters most. Hindsight? Always better. Passing notes in a Koran is not the problem. It's what to do with them if confiscated. Perhaps there are no definitive rules stated in the handbook of "what to do ..if?"? There needs to be. If a student writes rebellious or personal notes in a textbook, does one destroy the textbook? Or, does one keep it as evidence and not resort to book burning. There is some comparison that is legitimate...to the lesson at hand. Especially if one is expected to move on to negotiable means and calmer waters. Incite or defuse. ;-)
Thanks for your comment. -
This commment is unpublished.Kevin- The Afghans don't control that prison...yet. This is the prison that Karzai has been bitching about wanting control of for a while now but we refuse to give it to him because we don't have fith that it would be run properly...i.e. all the prisoners being released or killed.
This commment is unpublished.Leave Afghanistan! The sooner the better! The whole world looks with disdain at Americans and their NATO accomplices in Afghanistan!! American soldiers, those Nazi SS symbols toting, undereducated, drug intoxicated, tattooed idiots, now they humiliate and kill innocent people, now they urinated on people's dead bodies, now they liken themselves to German Nazis! Now, they began book burning!! What next? Death chambers and mass gassing? Get out of Afghanistan, pathetic lunatics. You are a shame of humanity and disgrace to your mothers back home, if you only have ones, and to your grand-fathers who suffered and fought in WWII against the likes of you.
This commment is unpublished.[quote name="Serge"]Leave Afghanistan! The sooner the better! The whole world looks with disdain at Americans and their NATO accomplices in Afghanistan!! American soldiers, those Nazi SS symbols toting, undereducated, drug intoxicated, tattooed idiots, now they humiliate and kill innocent people, now they urinated on people's dead bodies, now they liken themselves to German Nazis! Now, they began book burning!! What next? Death chambers and mass gassing? Get out of Afghanistan, pathetic lunatics. You are a shame of humanity and disgrace to your mothers back home, if you only have ones, and to your grand-fathers who suffered and fought in WWII against the likes of you.[/quote]
You have no idea of which you speak. Are you nuts??? -
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.[quote name="Serge"]Leave Afghanistan! The sooner the better! The whole world looks with disdain at Americans and their NATO accomplices in Afghanistan!! American soldiers, those Nazi SS symbols toting, undereducated, drug intoxicated, tattooed idiots, now they humiliate and kill innocent people, now they urinated on people's dead bodies, now they liken themselves to German Nazis! Now, they began book burning!! What next? Death chambers and mass gassing? Get out of Afghanistan, pathetic lunatics. You are a shame of humanity and disgrace to your mothers back home, if you only have ones, and to your grand-fathers who suffered and fought in WWII against the likes of you.[/quote]
just stop -
This commment is unpublished.Ummm...I'm pretty sure the vice of Nazis were things like trying to drain Eastern Europe of resources leading to mass starvation and trying to exterminate the Jewish race and enslave the entirety of humanity under an authoritarian regime that wanted to control everything down to your genes.
Not having tattoos and urinating on corpses of people who would kill you for shaving your face.
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.Michael
I disagree with you here. In the eyes of the Muslims, the Koran is, of itself, a Holy object. It is difficult for Western, non-Muslim minds to understand this, but it is an incredibly sensitive issue.
Swift and Bold
This commment is unpublished.[quote name="mike lacey"]Michael
I disagree with you here. In the eyes of the Muslims, the Koran is, of itself, a Holy object. It is difficult for Western, non-Muslim minds to understand this, but it is an incredibly sensitive issue.
Swift and Bold
They were told it was a mistake/accident and they still went on a rampage i really think they like killing.-
This commment is unpublished.[quote name="derek"][quote name="mike lacey"]Michael
I disagree with you here. In the eyes of the Muslims, the Koran is, of itself, a Holy object. It is difficult for Western, non-Muslim minds to understand this, but it is an incredibly sensitive issue.
Swift and Bold
They were told it was a mistake/accident and they still went on a rampage i really think they like killing.[/quote]
Drek, if it was a mistake it was incredibly stupid, and should have been preventable. I have had Cultural Awareness training from the British Army, and EVERY ONE OF US knows the importance of the Koran. Muslims view the actual physical item itself as an actual Holy object - don't look at this with Western eyes, its their country, their beliefs and we are their guests.
Swift and Bold
This commment is unpublished.Mike,
The only mistake we made was burning the Quran in a non-sacred manner. Burning is proper disposal, other than wrapping it in a pure cloth and burying it near a Mosque where the ground will not be walked on or disturbed. Please drop the "Western Eyes" B.S. I'm in the US Military, and last time I checked Europe, which includes England, is considered the West. We don't go around killing everyone for burning our flag, even though it is illegal. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the crusades haven't ended. Just modernized. All because of how people view and interpret their religions and the Bibles, Quran, and other literatures. There will always be someone who's veiw is to the extreme and will push the envelope in their favor. People must forget that there are Muslim terrorists that blow up mosques, attack the opposite sect, Sunni or Shia, of the same religion, and conduct attacks from their mosques (which is also againsts their religion), and then complain when we sotrm the mosque or return fire in acts of self-defense. This is sad. But true in most aspects.
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.The transferance of holliness to a Bible, Koran, an icon or a satue has been a fundamental issue since the 8th century and all the blood spilled in the iconoclastic wars. We resolved it in the West, but not in the East. They still don't get it that the ideas in those items are important and not the items themselves. By worshiping the paper and ink of the Koran they worship an idol which is expressly prohibited by the Koran itself.
This commment is unpublished.The only thing that needed to be said was-Hey Kharzai, We burned your book, get over it. But for a politician to say that would take testicular fortitude which politicians dont have.
This commment is unpublished.I totally agree with your comments Michael. I am nauseated by our politically correct civilian and military leaders. I don't think one more U.S. or NATO soldier should be sacrificed in that god forsaken feces hole. Bring them home now! The only downside is you can bet your bottom dollar the corrupt bureaucrats at State will be issuing refugee visas to every Afghan with a buck.
This commment is unpublished.Remaking Afghanistan or any other Muslim area into a western style democracy is a fools errand. Our initial actions to destroy groups associated with 9/11 was successful; however, the open ended commitment was a terrible mistake. Muslims, especially those rooted in the 7th century are not our friends and never will be - unless they need something. Afghanistan is not now or ever worth the life on a single US or NATO soldier.
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.Folks,
A book came out this year titled THE MORO WAR by by James R. Arnold. It is about the wars in the very early 1900s against the Muslims of the south islands of Philippines. Tbe first US Army actions against the Morors went well under Pershing then the Moros got smart and engaged in ambush warfare. The US thought what they were doing was for their own good and the Moros were unappreciative. The following was from a British reporter:
"There is no doubt about the American being the most generous and kind-hearted fellow living, but his experience of Eastern natives is still somewhat crude. With the tenderest intentions in the world, he unfortunately bitterly offends folks who do not understand his ultra-democratic ideas nor his rapid commercial notions." (A. Henry Savage Landor 1904)
So when you hear a politician talk like President Bush did that all people want freedom and personal liberty like we in the US do. It is not true. Many forget we dragged a bunch of Indian children from their tribes to PA. boarding schools to teach the how to be proper citizens. It was a disaster. And in the Muslim world there are two important items above all: Religion and National (or tribal, clan, etc) dignity that trumps individual rights.
Jack E. Hammond
Note> In the first military operation in the Moro wars the US Army hired Moro bears to trek in the jungle. At night when they made camp the Army cooks made supper for the bears. Beans and Salted HAM. And to the Moros to eat any part of pig is to eat the devil. All of them fled that night. And the operation was canceled.
This commment is unpublished.Yes. Amen. My exact thoughts this morning. I would like the President to remind the people of Afghanistan that we are not there to liberate them from their oppressors. We are there because they harbored terrorists who murdered innocent American civilians on 9/11.
THEY are wrong for treating a book as more valuable than a human life. Religious tolerance be damned, it is wrong, period. -
This commment is unpublished.Everyone always comes up with these "great" ideas but never explains how you implement them and ALL possible outcomes.
We could just spray bacon fat from crop duster planes on all the opium crops the U.N. now distributes (for profit) because of our presence there. -
This commment is unpublished.When the agenda is to destroy the country, those in power will do whatever it takes to destroy it. They will humiliate the military, decrease the military budget, humble themselves in front of leaders, all in the "name of peace". But, the real agenda from the beginning of those who have taken over the White House is the same as it was in the 60's, destroy this country and turn it into a Socialist State.
So far, everything they are doing seems to be right on target with their plans. Why should they apologize for doing what they intended to from the beginning?
We should get out of Poppy Haven and bring our men home. It is becoming another Viet Nam. -
This commment is unpublished.If the koran is so holy why are they using it to send inflamatory messaged of hate, which is not the preaching in it!!
This commment is unpublished.Good Lord, FINALLY Some sanity!!! My husband when deployed to Kabul, one of his many responsiblities was working with the Afghan police of which, required him to make frequent visits to this particular Ministry each week. Understanding the dangers involved, as you can guess lead to many sleepless nights and gut wrenching days. I can't EVEN imagine how these family members feel, other than how I know I would feel and that would be gutted. Lord please take away my hate and disgust for this so called commander in chief. Furthermore, where is the anger and outrage over the murders of our military members? God bless our soldiers there right now, because the only person who has their backs right now is GOD!! GRRRRR
This commment is unpublished.It amazes me how people who don't like Obama anyway manage to ignorantly blame him for everything. Numb Nuts George kept us there without the resources to do the job while he attacked Iraq for no valid reason. So Obama inherits that mess and does everything his generals ask him to do. Maybe their advice was wrong? The first person to apologize was our 4 stat Marine General in Afghanistan - General Allen. Then Obama apologized which was going too far. Then our two officers were murdered inside the Interior Ministry. Before that, two troops were killed elsewhere and today 7 troops were injured by a grenade thrown by a mob into an FOB. I realize that Obama haters aren't deterred by the facts, but I'm appalled that they are unable to recall who got us into this mess - George W. Bush - dumbass-in-chief.
Regardless, we need to get out now - this will not work out regardless of what we do. Between the porous Pakistan border, the corrupt Karzai government, and our own lying blind generals; we cannot succeed.-
This commment is unpublished.I am appalled that you are unable to recall that the attack of September 11th "got us into this mess."
I am appalled that you are unable to remember the Taliban created a home and protected bin laden.
I am appalled that you can't recall that Obama called Afghanistan "the RIGHT war."
But then what can one expect from someone who uses name-calling as an argument.
I am appalled that I dignified you with a response. It won't happen again.-
This commment is unpublished.Dear Appalled,
I remember 9/11. I remember the superb job performed by our SF and AF in pushing the Taliban out and cornering UBL in Tora Bora. I remember that dumbass denied our forces in Afghanistan the necessary resources to finish the job while he pursued a stupid and unnecessary war with Iraq. Afghanistan was the right war until Bush lost the initiative by diverting our military resources to Iraq. He, Rumsfeld, and Franks made Afghanistan into the hopeless war.
I am appalled that you don't understand what has happened in Afghanistan in the 10 years following our successful defeat of the Taliban. You see, they returned under Bush. Obama listened to his generals and increased the number of troops in Afghanistan, but it was too late.Your boys screwed the pooch appallingly.
In this country, I can call a politician whatever I want. I am appalled that you cannot remember how we got to the current situation in Afghanistan. Regardless, we need to get out now. We cannot change the past except in our dreams.
This commment is unpublished.We are there to kill terrorist. We cannot change the culture of the Afghan people. Our American warriors require the confidence and unhampered support of not only their countrymen but of their president. We put our troops at a greater risk with a leaderless and apologetic president. War is as much psychological as it is physical, let the enemy see you blink or stutter and you’ve put you’re warriors at greater risk. General Order #1, hunt and kill the enemy! If we can’t continue to do that with the confidence and conviction of our president, well than its time to bug out.
This commment is unpublished.There are no terrorists in Afghanistan. Our night raids are to kill Taliban leaders. There is no chance that Al Qaeda will return to Afghanistan when they have a lovely home in Pakistan and other countries. Remember where UBL was living?
There is no need to remain in Afghanistan where we cannot succeed.
Your comments about the president are silly. The local leader of our troops, Marine General Allen was the first to apologize and he went too far. Try and stick to the facts.
This commment is unpublished.All troops and civilians out ASAP. Politics and manipulation of religions are undefeated. Our troops did the job. We need them out before we lose more of them.
This commment is unpublished.This has been a roller coaster ride for 10 years. Orginal goal was to get Bin Laden and his deputies. As Iran began to raise it's ugly head we were strategically well positioned with US forces on both the East and West Iranian border. Now that we are no longer in Iraq, and with our current administration's foreign policy failures, there is no real reason to stay in AF. We still have one more individual, Mulla Omar, who figured heavily in 9/11, and we need to settle that score. After that we should come home. It is now Russia and China's turn to stop the terrioris in their own back yard. After we leave I give Karzi 6 months.
This commment is unpublished.Withdrawal would be retreat. Response in kind to criminal violence would be to let the other guy define the conflict. It's times like this that I'm glad I'm not a diplomat. It's real hard for me to think of anything diplomatic to say under the circumstances.
This commment is unpublished.Retreat from Karzai maybe. This isn't WWII or Korea for Heaven's sake! Did President Reagan retreat when he pulled us out of Lebanon after Hezbollah killed a full company of our Marines? We didn't get bogged down in that miserable religious conflict did we? That was leadership and it took guts. Sometimes the tough leader has to know when to quit.
Every life lost and every troop wounded is a waste of our blood - just like Vietnam. Thanks to Pakistan, the Taliban will eventually take over again and they are not terrorists, they're just despicable rulers. We cannot change the world.-
This commment is unpublished.Reagan was no her on that one. Got bunch of people killed for absolutely nothing. He put the Marines in an untenable position and then launched only partially armed A-6's in a political move with the sun in their eyes as retaliation, which did no good at all but got a pilot killed and a REO captured and gave Jesse Jackson a bully pulpit when he went in and got the guy out. Lebanon was a total and complete disaster. Reagan completely blew it.
This commment is unpublished.You know that a president doesn't pick the time for an attack. Blame the military commander. The president does not configure Navy ordnance - the deployed commander does with general guidance from above. President Reagan did not tell the Navy to use a different chart than ANGLICO was using when they called-in fires from the battleship New Jersey and hit the wrong targets on the wrong ridge.
It was EUCOM which turned a deaf ear to the Marine 0-6 in-charge of the men in that stupid, sigle location. It was the State Department and Naval Construction Office which sat on their hands allowing the new steel gates to fall behind schedule. Do you, as a military man think that the President of the united States ordered that the Marine guards keep their weapons unloaded? It was EUCOM.
My point (I stole from someone else) was that it was a tough and a good command decision to get the hell out and not get further bogged-down trying to find and punish the bastards that killed our Marines.
Later, a courageous, lone CIA agent, speaking fluent Arabic, went in to the Bekaa Valley and followed the agents who planned it, to an Iranian-supported camp. No one was willing to act on his courageous work.
Intelligent people like an Air Force pilot should not imagine that the President of the United States control everything in his/her government. Size and "span of control" flat out make that impossible. If the elevator fell off your bird many hours into the mission, I don't think the Board would think of blaming you - unless you were doing those barrel rolls again!
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: Iraq/Afghanistan, et al. are not and will never be united governments. Misinformed or disingenuous politicos (many of whom are in a military uniform) embrace a strong delusion that "they" will facilitate "nation building". Let us all repair to American soil.
This commment is unpublished.Folks,
I knew this was going to happen. I wrote a letter back around to Proceeding against a suggestion that Marines be used like village defense forces during the Vietnam War. I became hated immediately.
Michael I know you are upset. But read about the Great Sepoy Mutiny of 1857. Before it started some British officers and newspaper editors were saying the same. Stop pandering to their idol worshipping and tell the Sepoys to bite that cartridge or else get their backs flogged bloody. The British won in the end, but at a great price in blood on both sides. After 1857 the British made sure everyone -- enlisted and officers -- new the politically correct way to handle DEEM -- "The Religion." Lives depended on it. Please, Pretty Please, all of you read John Master's BUGLES AND TIGERS.
Jack E. Hammond-
This commment is unpublished.Jack,
That was an interesting book.
Michael -
This commment is unpublished.You do remember that it pretty much was the whole part where they did tell the Sepoys to "bite that cartridge or else get their backs flogged bloody" that triggered the mutiny? Besides, if you're intent on actually treating your "allies" like the British treated the Sepoys, and the locals for that matter, well then you've deserved a mutiny. Hearts and Minds tend to work better in winning over the locals than old Wipping and More Wipping.
This commment is unpublished.This whole fiasco has exposed that the Obama administration has more concern for the Qu'ran and his Islamic brothers in Afghanastan than he does for the troops he is supposed to be leading. It is time to bring our brothers and sisters home once and for all. Afghanastan is proving they are not worth the sweat let alone the blood that has been shed for them.
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.You cannot turn "people"whose mindset is in the meddle ages (if that advanced) into 'democrats or republicans. its time to get out before we have to fight our way out. We have no allies in the islamic world & as long as we do not bow to them we never will. They are our enemies period.
This commment is unpublished.It appears their culture, heavily influenced and shaped by Islam, is simply incompatible with many of the freedoms that we take for granted i.e., free speech and freedom of religion. Curiously, these are freedoms that liberals in this country are not too enamored with either.
This commment is unpublished.Those who continue to blame George Bush for all the problems are the same trash who gave us Obama God help us.I fought mine and my family has done this one.Pakistan and Afghanistan are not worth one American life period!Also dumb ass politicians and Americans that want to blame George Bush aren't either.
This commment is unpublished.Those who refuse to use calendars are doomed to blame the wrong people. Now lets us count back 10 years.
This commment is unpublished.An honest question for you. Which one of the current Republican Candidates represents Freedom from our enemies? Which one do you think would best defend this nation against foreign enemies, both here and abroad. This is not a trick question. I am a Ronald Reagan Conservative and I think this nation is in trouble. I found my way to this site by way of the Grouchy Historian.
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.I am like the rest of you. At least, I think I am. We have real enemies in this world we live in. I am tired of seeing our weak leaders, led by Obama, apologize to our enemies. Enemies are enemies. It is a basic fact of life. You do them or they do you. You don't play Patty Cake with people whose sole objective is to kill you. How did America lose that basic understanding of life on this planet? How did we elect these people to lead us? They are not protecting us or our Freedom. I would just as soon treat them as the enemy, because by their actions, they have become the enemy. It's going to be a real fight and I hope we can do what we need to do. I might add, I hope the Hand of God is upon us.
This commment is unpublished.[quote name="mitch miller"]I am like the rest of you. At least, I think I am. We have real enemies in this world we live in. I am tired of seeing our weak leaders, led by Obama, apologize to our enemies. Enemies are enemies. It is a basic fact of life. You do them or they do you. You don't play Patty Cake with people whose sole objective is to kill you. How did America lose that basic understanding of life on this planet? How did we elect these people to lead us? They are not protecting us or our Freedom. I would just as soon treat them as the enemy, because by their actions, they have become the enemy. It's going to be a real fight and I hope we can do what we need to do. I might add, I hope the Hand of God is upon us.[/quote]
Very well said.
This commment is unpublished.Yep, we have to get out. The wars started going south as early as 2004 when the ROE started evolving in Iraq (where we couldn't kill armed, uniformed insurgents). Afghanistan has been an afterthought, the entire COIN strategy relies on having enough men on the ground to do the job, but we have half as many people in a larger country trying to do the same thing they did in Iraq. There are a bunch of rules to COIN (not the book doctrine, but the strategy), and we've not followed any of them. In addition to troops, we had to control the borders and stop the arms and fighters from coming across the borders. Letting the opium grow to fund the insurgents has been madness and they've had better crops every year since we started this...At this point we're simply flailing around.
This commment is unpublished.My boyfriend, Army Medic SPC Rudy Acosta was KIA March 19, 2011, at age 19 by an Afghan security officer who felt like walking onto a FOB with an AK-47 and killing the one man I have ever loved. Believe me, I understand frustration over the Afghan government. They kiss up and then destroy our forces from the inside. What I think people are forgetting is that this is war. Not only that, but this is war against an enemy that doesn't discriminate friend from foe or care about the Geneva Convention. I don't think America needs to apologize for the wrong disposal of the Koran. This is war. We can apologize for disposing of a book in an inappropriate manner—after the Afghan government apologizes for disposing of American lives and protecting terrorists. There have been atrocities committed by both sides of this fight—by American soldiers and the government, and by the Afghan soldiers and government. The only difference is that America is held accountable for the actions of its people in the eyes of the world, while Afghanistan is not—at least not seriously. Maybe if the world threatened to take all hands off of Afghanistan—soldiers, investments, aid, everything—their government would get the message.
This commment is unpublished.Julia I am sorry at your loss. There are no words that will lesson the loss or erase the pain. Prayers to you and SPC Rudy's family. He paid the ultimate price for us all.
Afghan soldiers and their officers are nothing more than Muslim's first and foremost and a threat to everyone of men and women in Afghanistan. You are correct that they do not seem to be held to the same level of scrutiny that the United States is or our soldiers on the ground.
I believe that we should pull out of Afghanistan, bring Karzai with us and charge him with the embezzlement of millions if not billions of US Dollars and then bomb the place back into oblifion and to continue to bomb them whenever it appears they have found a source of electricity, gasoline or any other 21st Century niceties.
They are all Muslim's first and tribesman second. They hold no allegance to a government as we know it. They believe that Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth and that any non-Muslim is an Infidel.
This is one Infidel that would like to send a message to the Arab world. You either eliminate your aggresion towards the United States or not only are you not getting any "Foreign Aide", but you can expect to be pushed back into the Middle Ages permanently.
This commment is unpublished.Mick, I'm glad you came back this evening. We are pretty much the same in one respect. We both believe America needs a real leader who understands our enemies. It's not Ron Paul, as much as I admire the man for his dedication to the Constitution. It's not Rick Santorum, even though I admire the man for his beliefs that America's strength lies in our Religious base. It's not Romney, for the most obvious reasons. The ultimate Politician. Is that what you really want for your next President?
I have lived for three years with a President who is not in any definition of the word, a leader. I want my country back. I want a leader who can give that to me. I want a leader who will stand up to our enemies. I want a leader, who instead of apologizing to foreign leaders for burning a damned book about their ridiculous religion, will demand an apology of a stooge like Karzei, for killing Americans over the accidental burning of a damned book about a ridiculous religion. You may not like Newt Gingrich personally. Newt's personal life may not align with yours. He has struggled with the realities of life just like the rest of us. That doesn't make him a bad leader, relative to the dangers we face in the world. He understands how Washington works. Actually, he understands how the world works. He knows who our enemies are, both foreign and domestic. His vision of the world around us is basically Reagan's view of the world around us.
I'm not looking here for the most perfect Politician that God ever made. I'm just looking for the Politician that can save us against a Communist Regime. Sorry to put it in those terms, but that is are facing. In appraising the Candidates we have to choose from, the only one who makes the muster, is Newt.
He may be an ugly duckling, but he is the best ugly duckling we have. Right now, we need a Tiger. A wimp won't do. Romney is a Wimp. Newt is a Tiger. I vote for the Tiger.-
This commment is unpublished.Is Moon Base Newt the only candidate who can save you from a Communist Regime? Apart from the obvious, I ask you to consider how extremely offensive that is. You are nowhere near a Communist Regime, not in a hundred years. My grandfather fled from one that had taken all the belongings of his family, and I'm pretty sure he would've been just fine with living in the US.
Shouting Communist Regime because you don't like the Dems is like claiming that you're subjected to a Holocaust because someone broke into your home and the police couldn't track him down. It's revolting.
This commment is unpublished.Sorry for your loss, Julia. Words have no way of taking away the grief of losing someone you loved.
This commment is unpublished.[quote name="Brandy"]xoxoxoBruce- The Koran burnings were completely unintentional. The soldiers were disposing of tattered books and other literature, and since no proper trash disposal or recycling exists in Afghanistan, they must burn everything. My husband in currently in Afghanistan, so this information is coming from a primary source. There was no malice involved on our soldiers' part. Even if there was, murdering innocent troops is in no way justified. Now, who do you think were being "dicks"?[/quote]
Brandy, I didn't say it was done with malice, but it was done and discovered. OK, what do we do then? We can say sorry, or we can say screw you. The zealots will riot either way, so I think doing the right thing doesn't cost us anything, but may improve our standing with the millions of Muslims that live in more civilized parts of the world.
People claim the Koran is full of violence, well so is the Bible. I don’t believe Islam is the problem, it's the barbaric culture these people have lived in forever. Even the problems in Europe are caused by people carrying their violent culture there from the middle-east/east Asia.
I would like nothing better than have your husband and his buddies come home safely, and recieve the gratitude from this country they deserve. -
This commment is unpublished.Much as I agree with most of your dispatches, I must respectfully disagree with you on this Koran issue. The President was right to apologize for this idiotic act which has jeopardized our mission in Afghanistan as much as Abu Graib did for us in Iraq. You'd think that after 10 years of combat in Muslim countries, we, and particularly, the US military would have learned that you do not fool around with Islam, esp. if you are in a Muslim country. Whoever ordered and carried out the Koran burning were nitwits and should be discipliined or court marshalled for nullifying our efforts in Afghanistan overnight.
The resulting heinous murder of the two senior military officers did focus on the hatred and treachery that seems so common in that country. It was unusual and refreshing to hear Karzai condemning the killing of his Western allies for a change, although it was not clear whether Karzai's words were meant just for Westerners or Afghans as well. -
This commment is unpublished.Folks,
Former President George W. Bush and his father would have issued the same exact apology if they had been in this situation.
Jack E. Hammond
. -
This commment is unpublished.There are
ways to dispose of the Koran or an Islamic text. I found the instructions on my first try in Google. Burning is the last resort and there is a way to do it. The instructions are unusual and the task should have been turned over to a Muslim cleric.
This commment is unpublished.It's time to bring 'em home. I've always believed that the U.S.A. had a responsibility to take care of those suffering in the world. When wrongs were being done, we should do something about it. When evil persists, we should come against it. Why? Because as the U.S.A. goes, so goes the world, I believe.
But times have changed and the rules of engagement no longer are reasonable and border on lunacy (if not already there!).
WAR IS WAR and if our men & women cannot fight wars without the political correctness crap, then bring 'em home. We shore up our country, drill for our own oil in our own vast oil reserves.
We MUST vote this obamanation out of office this November.
Michael, I've read your reports and marveled at your photos but we'll find something else for you to do besides putting your own life on the line.
Time to come home. God bless America.-
This commment is unpublished.It has always been British and/or Wall Street bankers and politicians who had financed and orchestrated or influenced all military conflicts over the past 200 years, including the WWI and WWII. The US Corporations had built gas chambers and weapons for Adolf Hitler, the US had built first ever nuclear bombs and tested them on innocent civilians, the US has been murdering innocent people since Vietnam starting war after war in the same manner throughout the remainder of the 20th and into the 21st centuries. CIA had created Al-Qaeda and radical Islamist terrorist groups in Afghanistan back in the 1980s and had ever since used them to commit the most terrible crimes against humanity, starting warfare and uprisings in various parts of the globe, including false flag terrorist acts! The evil is inside the United States!
This commment is unpublished.