Michael's Dispatches
Michael's New Book
- Details
- Published: Monday, 04 February 2008 21:22
Order your Special Signed Edition of
Michael Yon’s New Book
Moment of Truth in Iraq
And help rush vital support to Michael’s mission
Here’s what Michael says about his new book:
“Moment of Truth in Iraq, due out in April 2008, will be packed with battlefield coverage, including some I have never published before.

“But it will also include more from behind the scenes, as I travel and up and down the back country to systematically report on the astounding campaign of 2007 to snatch Iraq back from the abyss. . . . I’ll introduce you to key American and Iraqi commanders who are making it happen in a place most were writing off as a crash site.”
In Moment of Truth in Iraq, Michael sends a strong message: In 2007 we averted disaster and made great progress. But we still face grave dangers—and critical moments just ahead. That’s why he is returning to Iraq and will continue reporting exclusive material until the day the book hits the presses.
“That’s why I titled the book Moment of Truth in Iraq … Now more than ever, when every American is asking what course our country should take in Iraq, it is absolutely vital that we have a voice in the field.”
And that’s why we are asking your help. As you know Michael is totally independent and reader supported. He has never been co-opted by anyone, Left or Right, Military or Media.
And now you can help in a big way by ordering your special signed edition of Moment of Truth in Iraq, for just $29.95 the same price as the regular un-signed edition that will show up in bookstores weeks later.
By special arrangement with the publisher, Michael’s mission in Iraq will receive the lion’s share of all revenues from this special edition only. (Normally the publishers and bookstores get most of it.)
PLUS by ordering your signed copy now, for delivery in April 2008 you will be rushing Michael the support he needs right away. (Normally publishers take months and months to pay their authors.) As Michael says if you buy now:
“the funds will be available to help the continue my mission almost immediately, rather than waiting for many months as in normal bookstore sales, which is incredibly important right now”
Reader support not only keeps Michael independent, it prevents charges of
“bias as a way to argue with or dispute my findings when I write things contrary to any of the widely-circulated scripts about what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan. . . . my readers have come to rely on me for ‘the good, the bad, and the ugly,’ and this publishing arrangement is based on my honoring that pledge.”
The link below will take you directly to an order page provided by the publisher, Richard Vigilante Books, where you can fill out the easy-to-use form to purchase your signed edition. Please note, your credit card will be charged now-and the book will be shipped to you directly (by Priority Mail) when it comes off the press. That’s the best way we could find to rush Michael the support he needs right now to continue his mission. All the details about the order are also on the linked page.
As Michael asks:
“If the title is right, and we really are at
The Moment of Truth in Iraq,
the question for readers is
Do you want me to be there when it happens?”
Please click here for the Moment of Truth in Iraq advance order page