Thank you for providing us with the truth behind all that is happening in Afghanistan....I don't think the media here in the states would want to publish such news because of the out cry from those of us who support our military!
Michael's Dispatches
Major RED FLAG: Military Cover-up in Afghanistan

- Details
- Published: Friday, 16 March 2012 14:17
16 March 2012
Info just coming out that a 22-year-old Marine was murdered on 01 Feb, about 6 weeks ago, in another insider attack. The military covered it up as if it were combat operations. Lance Cpl. Edward J. Dycus of Greenville, Mississippi was shot in the back of the head by an Afghan soldier. Our people immediately turned over the murderer to the Afghans.
That's a huge Red Flag on numerous levels. How many other "combat deaths" have been caused by insider attacks, and how often has our military covered it up? How many murderers have been turned over to Afghans? What happens when we turn over a killer to Afghans?
We've taken about 200 Coalition casualties that we know of from insider attacks. How many do we not know of? This cover-up is rotten from head to tail.
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This commment is unpublished.· 7 years agoMichael,
Thank you for providing us with the truth behind all that is happening in Afghanistan....I don't think the media here in the states would want to publish such news because of the out cry from those of us who support our military! -
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.In World War II all the way to Vietnam and possibly the Gulf War. We would have brought these murderers to a firing squad of military policemen. We executed a German general in World War for the exact same thing. Type this in " execution of General Dostler " can be viewed on Youtube. Our CinC Obama is a coward and this is coming from an American citizen who is Deaf and uses American Sign Language. Execute these muslim murderers !!! Stop your tour of apologies to these digsusting and perverted muslims who cut off people's heads off and blow themselves up. Normal people do not cut off innocent people's heads neither do they don on suicide vests. You the CinC Obama are aiding and abetting the enemy. We all knew you were a disgusting muslim lover all along.
This commment is unpublished.The U.S. military policemen needs to dis-obey an order from the CinC if Obama still refuses to execute them and do the will of the American people. Do not turn them over to the Afghani army. Execute these muslim murderers. The U.S. Military Policemen needs to stand up for what is right.
This commment is unpublished.No, it doesn't work quite like that. The Serviceman functions under a structured chain of command. The blame goes to the politically correct, multicultural, corrupt leadership. The MP's still have to follow orders.
This commment is unpublished.[quote name="Andy Ross"]No, it doesn't work quite like that. The Serviceman functions under a structured chain of command. The blame goes to the politically correct, multicultural, corrupt leadership. The MP's still have to follow orders.[/quote]
That is true and it seems the risk is on the MP's unless the MP's invited every tv new channels ( Fox, CNN etc. ) to put a stop to these inside attacks covered up as operations when We the American People & the MP's and the U.S. Armed Forces knows better. This is just my opinion and for sure, I am not voting for Obama this election. There is something called common-sense.
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.Do we know what the Afghani's are doing with these murders? I would assume they are set free after a short while. If the US doesn't start with speedy trials and firing squads this will only get worse. (I get the feeling that the Army brass largely has their head up their ***, maybe the Marines should run things from here on out... or does this really go up the CinC?)
This commment is unpublished.My friend was killed there in July...still no word on how. And you wonder why I have been so angry all this time...Our great men are political pawns in the hands of a traitor. No wonder they disarm our Marines when they are in their presence. Wake up people.
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This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.How do we protect troops who are cognizant of their command's alliance with murderers? We are confused, angry, and just plain scared over what they're doing with/to our troops.
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This commment is unpublished.We The People know our military is the finest, best prepared and equipped in the world. No finer members, heroes and veterans have ever given freely of their coveted lives, liberty and happiness for their country.
Only one individual not understanding this is this administration, White House, staff and their fellow travelers.
Their disdain for the military, heritage and history is mind-boggling...beyond beleif.
This reason alone, is why ALL military must side with We The People when this administration decides to confiscate every weapon in the hands of ALL Americans. The White House commies will sell the military down the river. Side with truth, honesty and REAL Americans. -
This commment is unpublished.Of course the military is covering this up. Petreus gave the order to come up with training to translate COIN into real world tasks for the guys on the ground and the military outsourced the entire project to liberal arts professors who had no idea what war is all about. The result was the Army trying to train privates that they can with 8 hours of language training, a video simulation, and a couple "cultural awareness classes" go out and negotiate with a tribal sheikh to find out where the local Taliban commander is. It's a utter joke, and sadly, our guys are getting killed. No wonder morale is down, our guys are being told there are no bad Muslims, just a few "extremists", everybody else is reasonable and trustworthy... those thousands of people crossing the border from Pakistan and Iran are just coming because we had the poor judgement to kill one of them, and everybody knows that if you kill the enemy that just creates more of them. (Maybe if we all just arm wrestled instead...rubber bullets?)
To publish that hundreds of our guys are being executed by our "allies" would be to admit that this entire thing was a strategic failure... But not just my $.02, no "expert" (Galula, Beseilles, Gray, Bobbit, Hammes, Lind, etc, etc - all advocates of the potential for COIN to be effective) ever suggested that this could be done with a minimal amount of troops and not controlling the border and movement of civilians, munitions, weapons and ammunition. -
This commment is unpublished.Delete my comment pointing out that this old news? Weak....
For those that missed it before it was deleted, you can Google this non-coverup by searching for LCpl Dycus's name along with a filter to limit results from the month of February. There are several reports that indicate he was shot by an Afhgani soldier.-
This commment is unpublished.If your comment was deleted, it was not by me. Do not spam my website with false accusations.
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This commment is unpublished.THe entire casualty list for OEF in Afgh. as of March 12, 2012, listed ordered by date of incident, is here (PDF):
Note that there is no H in the Hostile column for the only casualty on Feb 1, 2012 - USMC Dycus, Edward Joe LCPL E03 (Page 15 of 15)-
This commment is unpublished.That's US casualties only...
This commment is unpublished.I havent done an extensive search, but I've found several articles from February that state LCpl Dycus was killed by an Afghani soldier. I wouldn't say it's a cover up, but it does appear that the both DoD and big media outlets failed to highlight the nature of how he was killed.
Feb 3:
Feb 3:
Feb 24: -
This commment is unpublished.Mostly just get this story out to all you know. The MSM won't.
Be Breitbart -
This commment is unpublished.Also do not forget to throw in contractor trainers and mentors that have been killed by Afghans. Who knows if everything is being reported there as well, and I have tracked over the years a few of those incidents. MPRI/L3 has lost a few from my knowledge. In other words, this is not just a phenomenon that just started, and this has been going on for awhile.
This commment is unpublished.I made a comment a day or two ago regarding the prospect of green on blue actions. Skyler's comment above regarding an Afghan units threatening Marines points to the real possibility of major problems. Question: Will we have to fight our way out of Afghanistan? Another rendition of helicopters on our embassy roof top seems possible. Our erstwhile allies do not like or respect us. Why? Perhaps they only respect the will to use raw power to attain our goals. Perhaps apologies are considered a sign of weakness by the "noble Afghans." It appears to me our appointed military and elected civilian leaders are incompetent cowards more worried about their careers than what is best for our Nation and its Soldiers. Why else would a Marine general disarm troops assembled to hear the meaningless drivel of a political hack? Wow! Perhaps the general was "just following orders." Who knows? In any event, it is time to leave Afghanistan to its fate. Sooner is better. Now is best.
This commment is unpublished.Americans were murdered in cold blood on the basis of trumped up charges that someone's holy book was mis-handled (it wasn't).
Yet no demand for apologies and justice from our spineless leadership class. Just groveling capitulation to a government that wouldn't exist but for the U.S. military. -
This commment is unpublished.It was picked up widely that there WAS a coverup. Today is a an extremely busy day for me and so will have to sort out Sunday. Meanwhile, here is an original report that a cover up DID occur:
WASHINGTON - An Afghan soldier shot to death a 22-year-old Marine at an outpost in southwestern Afghanistan last month in a previously undisclosed case of apparent Afghan treachery that marked at least the seventh killing of an American military member by his supposed ally in the past six weeks, Marine officials said.
Lance Cpl. Edward J. Dycus of Greenville, Miss., was shot in the back of the head on Feb. 1 while standing guard at an Afghan-U.S. base in the Marja district of Helmand province. The exact circumstances have not been disclosed, but the Dycus family has been notified that he was killed by an Afghan soldier. Marine officials discussed the matter on condition of anonymity because it is still under investigation.
When the Pentagon announced Dycus' death the day after the shooting, it said he died "while conducting combat operations" in Helmand. It made no mention of treachery, which has become a growing problem for U.S. and allied forces as they work closely with Afghan forces to wind down the war. -
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This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.The US is fighting the wrong war. The US has been and continues to fight the wrong wars. The US has been engaging in wars for decades that we cannot win. The US needs to stop this. The US can win oh so many battles, but it is baffling that is picks and fights wars that it cannot win. It is bankrupting us in more ways than one can articulate. Any wonder why soldiers become confused about the mission(s)? I have had many conversations with grunts to top top top leadership and this is the consensus, behind closed doors.
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.I can tell you with certainty (I'm currently in Afghanistan) that we are taking added precautions against this "Insider Threat." Believe me, none of us have any issues with shooting first if threatened. It just adds one more element to our already hightened hyper-vigilence.
Ross -
This commment is unpublished.
This commment is unpublished.I see the haters and racists are here in force today spewing the venom they were told to repeat by Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Can't we at least agree that the real victims here are the Afgani freedom fighters and patriots courageously defending themselves from George Bush's oppressor pigs? Frankly, if more people with an eighth grade education and a GED thought about what will happen to them as members of an occupying army, fewer of our minority youths would end up the target of third world liberator-heroes.
This commment is unpublished.I have no love for Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, so I guess that's your own bias speaking. Though I believe you have good intentions, you have mistaken your culture and values for those of the average Afghani. If the simple understanding that women are still bought and sold there is not enough to give you pause, I suggest reading the Koran, it's short and easily found online in English.
This commment is unpublished.[quote name="Heath"][quote name="Andy Ross"]No, it doesn't work quite like that. The Serviceman functions under a structured chain of command. The blame goes to the politically correct, multicultural, corrupt leadership. The MP's still have to follow orders.[/quote]
That is true and it seems the risk is on the MP's unless the MP's invited every tv new channels ( Fox, CNN etc. ) to put a stop to these inside attacks covered up as operations when We the American People & the MP's and the U.S. Armed Forces knows better. This is just my opinion and for sure, I am not voting for Obama this election. There is something called common-sense.[/quote]
Also the American people, the Congress & Senate and the tv media will really need to stand by our MP's if the MP's take this risk. The Pentagon included too. Maybe President Obama's eyes will be opened ? -
This commment is unpublished.We recently had a soldier kill Afghan citizens, right? We didn't turn him over to the Afghans for trial. Why do we expect them to turn this Afghan over to us?
The situation in Afghanistan seems horribly complex...we not only have to contend with the enemy directly with military force, but we have to contend with the culture, the people who are not like us at all. They do not understand democracy, do not value women. They are morally corrupted, have no foundation upon which to build any lasting government able to carry them through to the level of understanding needed to operate a democratic republic. Are we not supporting a leader who is essentially the left hand to the Taliban's right? One body.
At this point, what do we have to gain by remaining in this country?-
This commment is unpublished.We turned the young Marine's killer over to the Afghans for "justice." On the other hand we have imprisoned SSG Bales and are holding him for trail. Want to bet on the disposition of the Afghan shooter? Your statement implies belief in multiculturalism: all cultures are equal and ours is no better than that of Afghanistan. If you say we're no better than them, why not act as they would act? The Marine's killer should have be held for trail or shot on the spot. In the case of SSG Bales, I suspect he'll die in prison if found guilty. You are right about one thing: "...what do have to gain by remaining in...." Afghanistan?
This commment is unpublished.Is Leon Panetta that blind he can not see the true picture ? His comments this morning shows cowardice & denial.
We need a strong U.S. President & Adminstration that will truly go after these terrorists. The tablian are no freedom fighters.
They hide behind a medieval religion that kills women and children in soccer stadiums.
The Germans killed the deaf, the blind and those in wheelchairs in the 1930's.
I am Deaf and use American Sign Language. If these evil & sick terrorists holding qurans and AK-47's say that they will go after the deaf & blind schools in America or Afhganistan or anywhere in the world. You can be sure we are gonna fight back and U.S. Troops will disobey Obama the Muslim loving president and protect the schools for the deaf & blind. Roving U.S. Army & Marines protecting the schools for the deaf & the blind the American way and because it is the right thing to do.
That is how evil & sick the al Qaeda & tablian are !!! -
This commment is unpublished.American MP's need to start firing squads and invite CNN, Fox, MSNBC, ABC etc. and line up these terrorists who have been killing our troops in these cover-ups of murders be executed by a firing squad of American MP's the same way we shot German General Dostler in the 1940's.
U.S. President Obama this is your golden opportunity to show the world you are not a Muslim loving president. Order American MP's to execute these filthy terrorists. -
This commment is unpublished.And one more thing, don't light Marlboro's dangling from the terrorist's mouths. Fuck giving them blindfolds. The last thing they need to see are American MP's as these filthy animals are shot !!! Believe me, that will send a very strong message. Go start the firing squad of American MP's.
This commment is unpublished.