Guest Authors




04 July 2014

From: The Chapter III Officers

To all the members of Chapter III we wish you a great, safe happy Fourth of July.

We forward a message from SFA National President Jack Tobin:

Gentlemen, since I was reconvicted, I will continue to ruin your holidays with one of my endless ramblings, if you think it is worth the time, please forward to your member.

What Do I Say?

As I watch the news, each day it seems the Republic sinks deeper into the abyss that has taken so many great countries. Each day another of our freedoms disappears, taken by faceless bureaucrats, controlled by those who disregard our laws.

A neighbor’s son, just graduated from high school, ask about joining the military, I was in a hurry and ask him to come back, what do I say?

Two of my son’s, both wounded veterans ask me on Father’s Day, “Dad, was what we did worth it? What do I say?

I think of one day seeing my Father, Uncles, Grandfather’s all veterans, and they ask what happened to the Republic they passed on to our generation. What do I Say?

Growing up near Valley Forge I think of those men in that terrible winter dying of starvation, cold and disease, if they could ask was our sacrifice worth it? What do I say?

When I see a Gold Star Mother, and she asks of her son, was his sacrifice worth it? What do I say?

Generations of Americans have fought and died not for empire nor plunder, but for a Republic based on a document, not a king or emperor, but a Document, a Document that specified a government of laws, a government “of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, for the PEOPLE”, that proscribed a unique form of government, each branch with specified duties, a system of checks and balances, to ensure that no monarch, no oligarchy could abandon the principles set down in this Constitution. When these generations that sacrificed so much for so long scream, down the hall of history, “What happened? What do I Say?

Has the world’s last best hope become like the Arizona Memorial, the Alamo, yes, even Valley Forge, a site of greatness, now merely a faded symbol.

I don’t know, I can only reach back in history and quote a document that George Washington thought so important that he had it read to his army as they stood in the freezing wind, the snow soaked with the blood of their rag covered feet, veterans who had suffered every deprivation, that he needed so badly..

23 December 1776

“These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”……*

After this was read, he asked them to stay the course, and led them to the victory at Trenton, and then on to independence. Is that what I say, especially to you, all veterans, men who can lead communities, organizations that can reverse the course and rebuild that which is so badly damaged. “Stay the course.”


Jack Tobin

"Croich Honorah"

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    Robert S. Pinkerton · 5 years ago
    I want to thank all those that served in all five of the branches. My family has fought in all the wars of America including before the War of Independence. With the continue lost of our freedoms, I would rather be in Thailand then here. A country that I liked and I hope to see again. Happy 4th to you all.
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    Mark D Everett · 5 years ago
    I thank you all for your service and ask that you stay the course!!!!! You are out there and we need to take back our country from those who only want a hand out.
    We are strong if we unite and work to reverse this disease that seems to exist. If we don't unite and speak out then we let the disease continue!!!!!
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    John - Capt in ANG · 5 years ago
    I see a ton of questions, but buried in the last paragraph is a sentence that reads like a question, "Is that what I say, especially to you..." but has no question mark. Is he using someone else's words to answer, "Is it worth it?" I am surprised this was written by a President. I expect more from leadership.

    We will forever be able to second guess every decision or conflict we have ever been involved. Was breaking away from Great Britain worth it in 1776 when thousands were killed? Was it worth it to enter a Civil War to end decades of slavery in the US? Was it worth it to strike back at those who killed thousands of our fellow Americans in New York?


    If it's an uneasy question that takes an entire page, and then finally is obfuscated at the end of a paragraph, perhaps President of a Military Organization isn't a great position to hold. Do the best you can every day. Honor and persevere your fellow man by building them up and making every day a worthwhile pursuit of making the country better. Leave the naysaying, whining, bitching and moaning for the mouthpieces on TV which no one with a real IQ watches.

    Happy Birthday to America. We're still the best country in the world, flaws and all.
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