The "leader" of this "non-partisan" group was forced to admit that he is a birther and believer in the craziest-of-the crazy conspiracy theories. You don't want your name and reputation to be associated in any way with these folks. What could have been a creditable story is now just an embarrassing smear job put out by some actual nutters.
This commment is unpublished.Chris, wrong leader of group. You are speaking about Larry Bailey who is the leader of SOS, not OPSEC. Get facts straight.
This commment is unpublished.I don't know who the head of the outfit ism I thought it was the failed Republican Congressional former SEAL Ben Smith. The birther is MG (Ret.) Vallely whose writings for the last 4 years make amusing reading. Listen closely, did you hear a whole bunch of leaks? What you heard was a hidge podge of about 4 leak stories where at least did not originate in the United States. STUXNET was discovered by a Russian anti-virus security company based in Moscow. The poor doctor, sentenced to 33 years was not picked up because of a Washington leak. First, his project stuck out like a sore thumb. Criticize the CIA for not exfiltrating the doctor and his family immediately after the raid. Do you think that ISI is stupid? The first styory about the Saudi double-agent came from a foreign news source. The CIA burn-out seems to have forgotten that we lost a stealth helicopter on that raid. Did he want Obama to fly in and get it out? The jerk Master Sergeant says that the President/C in C had "nothing to do with the raid is a dumbass. Who authorized the raid? Who said that they could invade another country? Who authorized them to kill someone? Who create a direct command relationship between the CIA and JSOC? These were Prtesidential Findings. The same instrument that other Presidents have used to authorize clandestine and covert missions and the killing of foreign nationals.
Who would the Republicans have blamed if the mission had failed? The men who executed it? The dog? I don't think so. Leadership is a two-edged sword. If you succeed you're great and if you fail like Jimmy Carter - you are out of office.
Do you really think that these guys are concerned about OPSEC? If so, why did they wait until the election campaign to release this propaganda? Duh.If you want people to shut up (which is what SEC Gates said to dumbass Donilon) then put it out immediately to stem these non-existent leaks. And, what did the President say to those Hollywood film makers? The guys in the video sure as hell don't know. Lastly, the SEALs have dominated direct action missions in Afghanistan while Delta has been occupied elsewhere. Funny, you don't hear squat about there missions. Maybe the Navy like to talk about its missions more than the Army does? We just don't know do we?
Michael, I'm shocked that you ran this political bullshit on your site.What did they steal - a photo?