Come on Michael... majority of your article is obviously not backed by facts. You're again assuming and picking specific instances to back you up removing the context of the photo or what was written. I think what you have done is more damaging to your credibility as an honest writer. Seriously, buddy, you need to learn real journalism so you'd stop writing sensationalist articles. Only an idiot would believe the information you wrote. It's entertaining, that's for sure. But believable... no more than tabloid writing. Best of luck to you.
This commment is unpublished.Sawadee this is thai born and have been in thailand not only reader ..working of Mr Michel yon we e ducated ppl called quaulity research..not idiot ..hope u understand ..but not sure u will? We thai ppl pround to have Yon in our land this time because his working not look only one side he look around even our thai spiritual ..he is the real one..thanks to read
This commment is unpublished.I don't even want to correct your English. Have a nice day.
-Another "thai born"-
This commment is unpublished.Someone who doesn't speak English well at least makes an effort to communicate in your language and that is how you respond? That's shameful.
This commment is unpublished.Saying something disparaging about someone who is trying to simply defend Michael by criticizing him for having the education and courage to make a controversial post in a language not his own. Especially a language which does not have the same linguistic roots is wonderfully humorous irony of the kind I could never come up with. How many English speaking people could hope to come near that in the Thai language using the Thai alphabet?
Thank you for the grins!