慰安婦問題と 米国








その源を辿って行くと複数の外国の政府( 主に中国) がある。 我々と友好関係にある同盟国を卑劣な悪魔と思わせるようなプロパガンダを世界中に吹き込んでいるのだが、現在の活動は、米国の高校教育がターゲットにされている。




The Comfort Women issue, and why it is important to Americans

It may not seem important, but it is. The issue is manufactured and designed to target alliances between Japan, the USA, Korea, and more. So far I have researched this issue in nine countries.

Maybe 1% of the journalists who write about a clue about what really happened. Nearly everyone is just copy-pasting from other 'sources', who are not sources at all because they also are merely copy-pasting and making meta-stories.

But some folks are starting to see it for what it is:

12647299 10153392522585665 7377722644007503510 n

Click here for the original article.

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Jiraiya · 2 years ago
    I am glad very much.
    I hope that your right recognition gets wide to other American nations.
    I thank you as one of the Japanese.
  • This commment is unpublished.
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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Justice · 2 years ago
    Thank you so much Mr. Yon for posting articles on the fabrications of comfort women. At the end of last year, between Japan's government and the South Korea's, there was an agreement that this comfort women issue should no longer be discussed. However, South Koreans still appealing the fabrications and their government is allowing and sort of encouraging them to found more statues of a pitty 'comfort women' that they claim but actually just a prostitute. I feel sorry for those who had to work as a prostitute during a time of war no matter what the reason was. But, they just stop lying that they were forced to work as a sex slave. If they were right, why there was no mixed children and no Korean women who had to do abortions? there were many burglars, murders and sex crimes to Japanese women who tried to go back to their country after the Soviet Union came down to Korean Peninsula before the end of war and these crimes were done by mainly Koreans and Russians. Many women were killed and even after they could barely escaped to their country, they had to go through a secret illegal abortion and many of them killed themselves due to the humiliation. These are not officially recorded as abortions after several months were prohibited, but they were done secretly from the humanity. People who worked at clinics where many secret illegal abortion were taken place said they'd seen babies with foreign features. If the 'comfort women' in South Korea are the 'sex slaves' as they say, they should have had issues like those Japanese women who were raped by Koreans and Russians had suffered.
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