Guest Authors Guest Authors

This site gets much traffic from all around the world, from people searching for news from Iraq, making it an ideal place to host stories from deployed forces in harm’s way.  In my travels I’ve met many budding writers who are now wearing boots and carrying rifles, and I found their stories so compelling that I want the world to see.

Exclusive Excerpt of Tom Ricks' Upcoming Book in The Washington Post Today

The Washington Post today has the second exclusive excerpt from Tom Ricks' upcoming book "The Gamble." Today Ricks looks at Gen. David Petraeus' political strategy as he faced the mission of executing the surge in Iraq, a weary American public, a Democratic Congress bent on ending the war and a chain of command eager to draw down forces.

Read more: Exclusive Excerpt of Tom Ricks' Upcoming Book in The Washington Post Today

REPORT FROM USMC in Anbar Province

MGen John Kelly USMC, CG MNF West, senior Marine in Iraq.

From: Kelly MajGen John F (CG)
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 9:53 AM  

Election Day

I don't suppose this will get much coverage in the States as the news is so good.  No, the news is unbelievable. Something didn't happen in Al Anbar Province, Iraq, today.

Read more: REPORT FROM USMC in Anbar Province

Rollin' in Hash

18 January 2009

Our people in the fighting tell their stories better than anyone.  This photo-essay just came to me from Afghanistan.  Our soldiers are not professional writers, nor photographers, but they are very good at what they do.  The rawness and simplicity of this powerful essay rings truer than any of us writers/photographers seem to be able to capture.  It also reminds me of why I am so happy to be in the United States, away from the fighting, and how much I distress about not covering our people when they are in need.

Read more: Rollin' in Hash

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Danger Close

Moment of Truth in Iraq

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